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Shocked, Y/n stared at the red flames, Polnareff's figure slumping down further until he was completely flat on the ground. He can't burn to death, that's horrible even for that annoying baguette! As she was about to shout to Avdol to persuade him to put the flames out, she saw the Frenchman pick the knife up and aim at Avdol's back and the sentiment died in her throat. Instead, she prepared to shout for him to be careful, but once again, her sentence fizzled away. Polnareff had dropped his hand, letting the knife clatter to the ground and fall a few metres away as he slowly burned to death.

Avdol watched Y/n's expression go from pained to appalled to bewildered in a matter of moments, turning around to see that Polnareff had neither backstabbed him nor ended his life. With a snap of his fingers, the flames were put out instantly and Avdol slowly walked up to the man's body, which was still twitching in pain.

Y/n jogged up to Polnareff and Avdol, the latter taking the former's head slowly into his lap and moving his ridiculous block of a hairstyle aside. The girl raised an eyebrow in question at his actions and put her hand palm up in the universal 'what are you doing?' gesture. Avdol ignored her and continued with whatever he was doing.

"Ah," he said softly, apparently finding what he was looking for. Parting Polnareff's hair, Avdol showed Y/n the flesh bud implanted not his head, the disgusting looking thing writhing repeatedly and trying to get back into the darkness.

"That will never fail to gross me out," Y/n muttered, looking away before shouting, "Kujo! Your services are required!" Even from the distance, Y/n could see Jotaro shake his head at her words, before leisurely walking towards them, Kakyoin and Joseph in tow.

"Good grief woman, your screeching's gonna make my ears bleed," he said, coming to a stop in front of her.

Y/n huffed indignantly, "I did not screech."

"I wouldn't classify it as screeching, but it was pretty bad, Y/n," Kakyoin added with a grimace, rubbing his ears for dramatic effect.

"This man has a flesh bud too, Jojo," Avdol interjected before the debate could continue further. Jotaro nodded and kneeled down, holding Polnareff's head in place as Star Platinum materialised and gripped the nasty thing before slowly pulling it free.

"EW!" Joseph whined as he watched the entire process, jumping and squirming like a child. "Hurry up Jotaro! Hur-"

"Shut up, Old Man," Jotaro grumbled. With one final tug, the flesh bud came free and disintegrated into dust as soon as the swinging tentacles made contact with the sunlight.

"Excellent!" Joseph shouted as he kneeled down beside Avdol, his tantrum dissipating as soon as it came. "Now we can be bud-dies! Ha! Get it? Bud-"

"Don't guys that make stupid puns like these seriously piss you off?" Jotaro asked to no one in particular, looking in disgust at his grandad. Kakyoin smirked and Y/n rolled her eyes. Let the man make his grandad jokes!

She pulled her bag off her back and fished out the first aid kid, crouching down in front of the singed Polnareff to try and treat the burns on his arms to the best of her ability. He opened his eyes as Avdol slowly set his head on the ground, turning to look at Y/n as she poured cold water over a compress and dabbed his arm.

"Seriously?" Polnareff questioned once the four men had moved some distance away to simultaneously veer tourists away and admire the garden, Kakyoin once again acting as a tour guide.

"Seriously what?" Y/n asked, confused by his question.

"I tried to kill you all, and now you're helping me?"

"I mean, you did have that flesh bud in your head, so technically you didn't do shit." He nodded hesitantly at her answer before turning and looking away. Y/n sighed, now applying lotion to the burns, "Does this not hurt, I'd be in tears if I was burned this bad."

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now