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"We're finally in Singapore," Kakyoin commented, looking around at the beautiful sculptures and tall glass skyscrapers.

"Finally," Y/n echoed, smothering an upcoming yawn with her hand. They had managed to make their way to the Singapore coastline in one piece from the dinghy, the short journey managing to give the girl a chance to get some rest.

"Let's find a place to stay tonight to recuperate and then think about how to proceed tomorrow," Joseph said, pointing at one of the nearby hotels. Y/n smiled widely at the prospect of getting some more sleep, but her celebration was cut short by a sharp shout.

"Oi, you there!"

Everyone turned around in question at the sound of the voice. Running towards them was a local officer blowing his whistle, baton in hand. Once he had neared them, he stopped and jabbed his baton into Polnareff's chest, glaring accusatorily, "That's a fine for five hundred Singapore Dollars for dumping that trash!"

The Frenchman cocked his head to the side in confusion, "Excuse me, what trash?"

The officer moved his baton and pointed it towards a tied sack lying on the ground, "That," he said. "You must pay a fine for littering!"

Polnareff glanced down at the bag for a moment before he looked back up at the man, his eyes wide and his face creepy enough to pass as a circus clown. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said steadily, not once breaking eye contact with the official. Behind him, the rest sniggered at the interaction and Polnareff's offence.


Leaning in closely, Polnareff glared at the man hard enough to send sweat bullets flying from his face, "This is my luggage," he murmured. The official gulped visibly and quickly nodded his head. Mumbling out a swift apology, he turned on his heel and ran back in the direction he came from, far away from the Frenchman's eerie stare. With an indignant huff, Polnareff reached down and snatched up his sack, flinging it over his shoulder. 

Suddenly, loud, shrill laughter sounded from behind them and turning around, they saw Anne, tears falling from her eyes as she clutched her stomach in hysterics. She had mysteriously disappeared once they had docked, uttering something about meeting her father just moments before. Now, once she had realised that the six had taken notice of her, her laughter ceased and she turned away with a gasp.

"I wonder why she is back," Avdol mumbled, his face crumpling in thought. "I thought she had to go to her father."

Anne had apparently heard that. "Hey! I do have to go to him! H- He just isn't here yet, y- yeah."

Sighing, Joseph pulled Polnareff closer to him, "Listen, I don't think she has anywhere else to go right now, so go and tell her she can come with us."

"That's not going to be safe for her," Kakyoin interjected, glancing back at the younger girl.

"Leaving her on the streets also is not safe," Avdol pointed out. "Go, Polnareff."

"Don't hurt her ego," Y/n sang in advice, still excited about the idea of a comfortable night's sleep.

Nodding, Polnareff walked up to her and crouched down to her height, "Look, we know you're poor right now, so we're gonna give you a room to spend the night. Sound good?"

Y/n and Kakyoin grimaced whilst Jotaro pulled down his hat. Anne stared at the man in shock.

"So much for protecting her pride," Kakyoin mumbled, shaking his head.


"Right, here are your four room keys," the receptionist announced, handing the keys over to Joseph.

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