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The class had quickly passed, Y/n knowing most of the content being taught as she had already covered it in her previous school. Because of this, she let her mind wander towards the weird things that had already occurred on her first day at school.

So, the Kujo guy can see my ghost lady. He also has his own ghost ... person? He probably knows something about his, so he can explain mine too. Her mind went in circles around the topic, not paying the least bit of attention to the lesson until the teacher had announced that the class was dismissed.

Slowly packing her things up, Y/n looked back towards the giant in the black jacket, only to see that he was glaring daggers at her.

She blushed and scowled at him, waiting for the rest of the class to make their way out of the room. Once the students had left, it was only Y/n and Jotaro Kujo. Y/n began to feel chills crawl up her spine, most likely due to the harsh stare that he was inflicting on her. Should I run...? She questioned herself internally, slowly looking up and meeting his intense glare.

"After school, behind the main building," he said abruptly, already turning and moving towards the door. "You better be there."

Y/n blinked slowly, before replying. What makes the guy think he can be so rude to me for no reason! "Yes Sir," she mocked, dragging out the final syllable.

He turned around and eyed her, a look of blatant confusion plastered on his handsome face. After noticing that she was staring at him, his features went back to his signature frown before turning around and walking out of the classroom.

"So I have to meet the giant again today," Y/n mumbled, walking out of the class herself. "Great."

The rest of the day had passed by fairly quickly, with Y/n simply having to repeatedly introduce herself to the teacher at the start of each lesson. Everything that was taught in each lesson she already mostly knew. At least none of them made me talk about myself in front of the class. That would've been hella awkward, she thought with a relieved sigh, looking down at her watch to see that there were only a few minutes until the day came to an end. Well, the school day at least.

Y/n still had to meet Jotaro "behind the main building" as he'd said. Half of her wanted to not show up at all, if only to annoy him, but she had a feeling that the giant would probably haul her there anyway.

The other half, however, felt differently.

He was ridiculously attractive. Y/n had never really been into mean guys, preferring more of the sweet, kind, and considerate type, but for some reason, here she was, thinking about his blunt, annoying but gorgeous self. Of course, she would never – ever – tell him that though. One, her pride would never allow it. And two, he would probably hate her if she did say so, thinking she would be like one of his fangirls.

Once the teacher had dismissed the class, Y/n got up and left the room. She wanted to wander around a little before she had to meet Jotaro, maybe even be a little late, just to prove a point to the delinquent. She made her way to the courtyard with the fountains and trees, deciding to finally go to the one that she hadn't been able to see up close earlier that day.

Whilst approaching said fountain, she saw something move in her peripheral vision, turning her head to look in that direction, continuing to walk forward. Y/n watched the butterfly fly around lazily with detached interest and was about to turn ba-


"Watch where you're going, idiot."

She walked into a wall. A talking wall, that hadn't been there before.

Looking up, she saw none other than the guy she had been trying to delay meeting. Jotaro had his usual scowl gracing his features, his eyes narrowed down at her. Almost simultaneously, the pair looked behind the other, both seeing that their respective ghost figures had come out. Before Y/n had even gotten the chance to properly study his, he had pulled it back in, raising a brow at her.

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now