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The story gets a lil sad halfway, but it gets better, promise!



Y/n groaned tiredly into her pillow, wishing for the voice to go away and allow her to continue sleeping.

"Y/n dear, you need to get up!"

Turning around and cracking open an eye, the girl looked at the figure stood in front of her. Holly was smiling down at her, a toothbrush in her hand.

"Good morning sweetheart! I figured you would need a brush as your stay here wasn't planned," she said brightly, offering the dark blue object to Y/n, who took it from her, mumbling a quiet "thank you" as she rubbed her eyes. "Breakfast will be done in 10 minutes, so come over once you're ready!" the older woman said kindly, walking out of the door. Y/n grumbled to herself as she rolled out of bed. She hated waking up with a passion.

Her leg felt much better than it did yesterday, allowing her to walk around with more ease. "Oh..." she suddenly mumbled, her cheeks reddening after memories from the previous night flashed in her mind. What mood will I get from Kujo today, she wondered.

Walking out of her room and towards the bathroom, Y/n desperately hoped that she would not run into the giant. She had no idea how the interaction would go down and did not want things to be awkward so early in the morning. Thankfully, her prayers were answered this time, and she managed to get in and out of the bathroom to get ready without walking into Jotaro, noticing that his hat had also gone from the counter when she entered.

She quickly pulled on her now completely clean and dry uniform, adjusting it to cover the white dressing on her leg, and made her way to the kitchen. Coming in, she saw with a surprise that Holly was the only one there, setting up breakfast and coffee on the table. Holly looked up and smiled brightly at Y/n, who returned her cheery grin.

"Come and sit down, dear!" she said, gesturing to one of the chairs as she pulled one out for herself.

The two women ate in peaceful silence, with Y/n occasionally breaking it to comment on how good Holly's cooking was. Once they'd finished, the younger girl insisted on washing the dishes as Holly continued to sit and sip her tea.

After drying and placing the plates away, Y/n glanced at the clock to see that she still had a lot of time left until she had to get to school, but Jotaro was still nowhere to be seen.

"Holly?" she questioned.

"Yes, dear?"

"Isn't Kuj- Jotaro going to come down?" she inquired awkwardly. She had no idea how to get to school from here without him.

Holly chuckled lightly before replying, "I think he's going to skip today. I've stopped trying to convince him to not do it for a long time now." Y/n's brows furrowed as she took this in. So he skips whenever he wants, now how the fuck am I gonna get to school? The kind older lady seemed to read her thoughts, as she laughed again, "Don't worry Y/n, I'll make sure you get there!"

"Thank you, Holly," she replied gratefully. Holly really was incredibly sweet and amiable. The pair relapsed into another comfortable silence as the woman continued to sip her tea.

After a few minutes, Holly got up and went to put her cup away and sitting down, she turned to Y/n. "Is your leg feeling better now, sweetheart?"

The younger girl nodded and Holly flashed her a bright smile. But the smile soon faltered slightly as she looked at Y/n with uncertainty.

"What happened?" Y/n questioned, confused by Holly's change in demeanour.

"I don't mean to pry," she said hesitantly. Y/n nodded her head at her, encouraging her to continue. "But I noticed that you didn't inform anyone that you were staying here?" the end of her sentence raising in tone to indicate it was a question.

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