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"My, oh my!" the woman cooed, watching Jotaro with sparkling eyes. "I must say, whilst this is one of my most bizarre requests, I've done a fine job indeed! What do you think, young man?"

Before her, the teenager grunted in response. Examining himself in the mirror, he checked each detail of his newly made jacket, from the thick golden chain on the collar to the length of it against his legs.

The moment that they had set off in their borrowed car, leaving the 'priest in training' behind, Jotaro had declared both his need for a new school jacket, as well as for Anne to be sent back home. Once they had reached a sizeable town with a small airport nearby, the group had split ways. Jotaro and Y/n headed off to find a tailor, the latter tagging along as she needed a couple more sets of clothes as her old ones were almost in tatters now. The rest went to the said airport and booked tickets for the earliest possible flight for Anne.

Before they had parted, Anne had clung onto Y/n, hugging her with vigour as she mumbled about how she would miss her. Y/n had smiled at her in response, partly wondering if she would miss the girl too. Once she had detached herself Y/n, she moved to Jotaro, looking up at him with wide eyes before reaching up and awkwardly patting his shoulder, declaring, "You're awesome! My hero!"

He simply nodded in response, Y/n seeing a possible small smile on his face under his hat.

"I'm honestly surprised how you could make it so quickly, Ma'am," Y/n said, folding her own purchases neatly and placing them in her bag.

"Here," Jotaro said. In his hand, he held out several notes of the local currency for the woman to take.

"Oh, th- thank you," she mumbled, looking over the cash that even visibly seemed more than the jacket's value.

"Thanks," he nodded before putting his hands in his pockets and walking out of the shop with Y/n close behind. "Bye."

Within minutes, the two had reached the small runway at the edge of the town with Joseph, Polnareff and, Kakyoin stood at the far end. As they approached the three, the plane jolted into motion and slowly began its course down the runway. Picking up her pace, Y/n practically ran the rest of the distance, leaving Jotaro behind but not wanting to be neither deafened nor blown away by the plane.

"We're going?" Y/n questioned once walking into earshot of the rest. Quickly muttering out a confirmation, Joseph waited until Jotaro was close enough before nodding towards the car, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yes, come on now. We've got a lot of distance to make up.


"I'm shocked that you got a Japanese school uniform made perfectly from scratch. And here, of all places."

"It's one hundred per-cent wool," Jotaro said, a slightly smug undertone to his voice as he looked over Y/n's head from the back seat and towards his grandfather.

Y/n grumbled in her place and stuck her elbows out marginally, just enough to let the Joestar men on either side of her know, for the umpteenth time, that they needed to move. Sighing, she muttered, "Ugh, aren't you even hot?"


"Aren't you, Y/n?" Kakyoin laughed from the front, turning around to throw her a smirk.

"I'm perfectly cool, what with these two human air conditioners next to me," she complained, sarcasm practically dripping from her voice.

"Really? Your sweat's almost seeping through my new jacket," Jotaro quipped, purposefully looking past the irony in her statement.

"You're gross," Y/n muttered. Looking to her left to glare at him, she lifted her arm and formed a fist. Then, with a sickly-sweet smile, she threw it towards his face, pushing gently but with enough force to turn his head to the side. "And now we're even."

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now