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Y/n walked into the building feeling an utter sense of dread. A new school, in a new city. She didn't want to face any of it, simply wanting to turn right back around and get into bed, her happy place, away from all the hustle of daily school life. Y/n had never particularly been a social butterfly, preferring rather to find a small group of close-knit friends and sticking with them. Her wanting of a small circle of friends had only grown further after she had discovered the bizarre figure floating around her a few months ago.

A slender humanoid shape that Y/n could only assume was a female by the way a dark blue mist covered her chest and hip area, shielding the figure's silvery skin (or what she guessed was skin anyway). Long chains, necklaces and bracelets adorned her body, also silver in colour, with shimmering blue sapphires along and at the end of each, especially concentrated around her wrists and ankles. The ghost had flowing, wavy black hair cascading down her back that ended just below her hip, and she had only a few facial features, simply a pair of eyes, with dazzling sapphire irises and sharp black eyebrows.

The girl had tried her hardest to shake her head as hard as she could to try and remove the weird image, but to no avail, and she eventually opened her arms out to her insanity, choosing to just ignore the silver ghost as much as possible. However, the strangest part wasn't even the figure herself, instead the mysterious power she possessed: the ability to conjure and control knives as per her will.

Y/n had found this out shockingly, when a few weeks ago, whilst she was walking down a deserted street at night, a group of men had decided to whistle at and catcall her, some even beginning to approach her. She felt an intense feeling of discomfort, as well as a tinge of anger at the nerve of the group.

The figure came out by herself and sent a singular knife flying in their direction, the blade of which was also a shining blue. The weapon sailed through the air and lodged itself in the wall behind one of them, slightly nicking his cheek in the process. Soon after, a flurry of knives followed, each whipping past the men and slightly scratching various parts of their faces. Y/n stood there utterly gobsmacked, her anger and discomfort slowly but surely being replaced with complete bewilderment as her eyes bulged out of their sockets.

Wha- She exclaimed mentally. What the fuck just happened? The fucking ghost just appeared out of nowhere and threw knives! I'm going mad, I must've imagined that! There's no way...

But that prospect quickly simmered away after watching the expressions on their faces. They had evidently not seen what Y/n was seeing, momentarily solidifying her belief of her own insanity, but even that was swiftly pushed aside. The damage caused by the knives was genuine, blood slowly starting to seep from the gashes. She could no longer go along with the idea that she was just seeing things.

The men had no clue what had happened to them, much less seen what had actually been hurled at them. The man who was stood right at the front turned on the others.

"What do you think you're doing! Get your hands away from my face."


"Dumbasses, you're gonna hate looking at your faces in the mirror once I'm done with you!"

Curses and profanities flew left right and centre, punches were thrown and limbs flailed whilst the group of men tried to get back at one another for 'scratching them'.

"Damn..." Y/n mumbled as she watched the crazy scene unfold before her whilst slowly backing away. She glanced at the wall behind them, noticing that the knives that the ghost lady had thrown had disappeared completely, along with the ghost lady herself. Y/n ran in the opposite direction from the fight as fast as she could, not wanting to be caught up in that literal mess and after coming home, she raced to her bedroom. The rest of the night had passed with her trying to make some sort of sense of what had just occurred, but no dots connected. Eventually, she had huffed and flopped onto the bed, wanting to knock out as soon as possible and wishing desperately for it to all be a dream.

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now