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"By testing if they'll actually save us."

Y/n stared at him for a few seconds before speaking, "What?"

Jotaro looked down and scowled at her. "Good grief, can't you hear? I sai-"

"Yeah I know, I heard you just fine," Y/n huffed impatiently, "but what do you mean by that?"

"You said yours saved you, probably from a dangerous situation I assume?" Jotaro paused and waited until Y/n nodded. "Exactly, so by causing another dangerous scenario, we figure out what they do."

She gawked at him, "That's a stupid idea Kujo! When did you replace that," she pointed at the ripped black hat on his head, "with a dumb experiment cap and turn into a damn scientist?"

His brows furrowed, him quickly growing irritated, "You said you didn't know what to do, but hate my idea?"

"Fuck yeah I do! The ghosts might not even save us, it might've been a one-time thing. What's gonna happen then huh?"

Jotaro raised a brow at Y/n. "Fine," he said, turning around and walking towards the school gates.

Y/n sighed exasperatedly, mentally considering the options she had before deciding to jog up to the boy. "Okay, I'll do it, but if my ghost lady don't show up, you're my human shield."

Jotaro hummed dismissively, continuing to walk out and past the school gates.

They once again returned to silence, with the pair walking quietly to wherever Jotaro had in mind. Y/n had barely spent a few weeks in the new town, so she had no idea where he was taking her. He could be kidnapping me for all I know. Shit! She decided to ask him, if only to break the quietness. "So, where are we going?"

"Be quiet," Jotaro replied shortly, pulling his hat down to cover his eyes.

Y/n scowled at him, rolling her eyes. Rude! First irritating, now being a dickhead, just fucking great. I'd prefer his purple ghost man over him any day, she thought, slowly getting aggravated by his mood and demeanour.

Eventually, both Jotaro and Y/n ended up in a large open field, most of which was grass, apart from a few large rocks and stones set in dirt far ahead of them. She shuddered, the place was completely deserted except the two teenagers, and with the sky rapidly beginning to darken, it reminded her of the street with the group of men. If Jotaro had noticed her discomfort, he didn't say anything about it, continuing leading her to the rocks further ahead. Once Jotaro was satisfied with where they were, he stopped and turned to look at one of the medium-sized rocks.

"We know for a fact that your spirit can save you," he started, "so you're gonna go first. Stand there and look this way."

Y/n glowered at him before begrudgingly doing as he said. She didn't like being told what to do, especially by someone like him. They were about thirty metres apart at this point. "Now what?" she questioned, eying him warily as he picked up a football-sized boulder.

He balanced it in one hand, as if it didn't weigh anything, and moved around to face Y/n. Then, before she could even blink, he pulled his arm back and threw the rock at her, the object rapidly hurtling across the distance separating them.

It all felt like it was happening in ridiculously slow motion to Y/n, who barely registered the flying deathtrap coming towards her. Instinctively, she closed her eyes and braced herself, her body preparing for impact.

An impact that never came.

Y/n waited a few moments before opening her eyes just in case the rock was still coming at her. But, once again, nothing happened. She slowly relaxed her muscles, letting out a relieved gasp and her eyes blinking open. In front of her was her silver ghost, almost acting as a shield and a few metres ahead were chunks of stone varying in size, but all had one thing in common. They had all been cleanly sliced into pieces.

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora