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It was now incredibly dark outside, all remaining rays of sun vanishing behind buildings, and the wind had suddenly picked up too, blowing harshly, making it feel like it could somehow snow any moment. Not that Y/n could feel it though, she felt quite the opposite, the blood rushing around her body from her previous embarrassment managing to keep her warm.

She and Jotaro made their way to the Kujo residence, Y/n limping slowly beside the tall teenager as he attempted to slow his pace to match hers. Every so often he would begin to speed up and walk ahead of the hobbling girl, and Y/n would sigh loudly, causing him to faintly groan and fall back again.

Though the silence was not uncomfortable, she felt the need to break it - they had only known each other for a day and had already been through some weird occurrences. She wondered about what to say when she realised something with a jolt.

"Hey, Kujo," Y/n said, looking up at his sharp jawline.

His eyes flicked down to her face once before moving back up again. "What?" he questioned.

She bit her lip before answering. "You were saying something about the knives," she prompted, and after his lack of response, she continued, "before I passed out."

Jotaro nodded slightly, "They're a part of your body. That's why your spirit can make them appear out of nowhere," he explained, "if a knife breaks, so does that bit of your body."

Y/n nodded to herself. Damn, that's cool, but hella inconvenient too.

"You also figured out how to control them," Jotaro stated, making Y/n look down sheepishly.

"I guess so. I kinda just thought about what I wanted her to do, and she did it," she said, fixing her eyes on the ground ahead as she blushed furiously.


"We also know what your ghost man does too now," she said, desperately trying to steer the conversation away from her accidental attack on him.

"He punches hard, and clearly fast," Jotaro shrugged, as if he didn't care for the information.

Y/n sighed. He makes me go through all that to find out what his ghost dude can do, to then go and brush it away! The guy really is something.

They were now approaching some sort of wealthy residential area, and with the pain in her thigh slowly ebbing away, she could truly appreciate the sizes of the houses. It was like she'd stumbled upon a long-lost kingdom of riches. Jotaro led her past multiple houses, before taking a turn into the front yard of what Y/n could only call a sprawling mansion. Beautifully coloured flowers and plants of varying type were spread across the well-kept lawn, bright even in the dimming light. There was also a fountain, the sound of flowing water carrying across the courtyard.

They crossed a bridge which went over a little stream and to the front door. Jotaro looked down at Y/n before he knocked sharply, his face set in his signature frown.

The door opened a few seconds later, revealing a kind looking lady with blonde hair, who looked like she was in her late thirties or perhaps early forties. "Jotaro!" she exclaimed, moving forward to hug her son. He stopped her before she could get closer to him, quietly muttering "good grief" and walking in the door and into one of the several corridors.

Y/n scowled at his back as he disappeared. He's a dick to his mum too!

The lady turned to Y/n and smiled slightly, "Hello sweetheart, I'm Jotaro's mother, call me Holly!" She paused slightly, raising her brows in a questioning manner, "It's quite late and I don't know why Jotaro brought you here, but come inside dear," she said, taking hold of the younger girl's hand and leading her into the house. Y/n hissed in pain at the sudden movement, causing Holly to move away. "What's the matter, dear?"

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now