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Y/n awoke with a start, a sudden weird sensation that liquid was being sprayed on her shattering her sleep. Dragging her eyelids open, she looked around to see that the rest had also been awoken in the same way. When she scanned the small boat for the cause, her eyes landed on Anne, the water droplets slowly dribbling down her chin. Ugh, kids.

"Ew! Dégoûtant!" Polnareff moaned, the realisation that it was the younger girl's water spit that was on them all.


"Hey now, Kid," Joseph consoled, clearly the one with the most parental experience from the group. "Th-"

"No! I-I mean l-l-look!" she stuttered out, pointing ahead of her. Y/n and the rest paused the wiping the water spray off of themselves and turned around.

"Woah," Kakyoin mumbled, craning his head up to take in the image. Before their tiny dinghy, a massive freighter approached, slowing to complete halt as the ship lowered its ramp.

"That's great and all, Anne," Y/n said as she shakily stood up on the bow of the boat, "But please, spare us the spit spray next time."

The younger girl seemed to ignore Y/n entirely, her eyes wide as she almost jumped for joy at the sight of the rescue boat. With a sigh, Y/n stepped forward to set foot onto the ramp, only to be shoved aside by Polnareff, who jumped on eagerly.

"Oi, Silver Baguette!" she called, "Do you mind?"

Polnareff flashed her a smile as he held out his hand, helping her onto the ramp, "Sorry, Y/n! Can't let this luscious hair get wet!" Y/n rolled her eyes and began making her way up the steps. Once she had gotten to the deck, she leaned over the railing to see Jotaro offering to help Anne onto the boat. After a moment's consideration, the girl stepped back and pounced – right into Joseph's arms.

Smirking, the older girl watched Anne glance back and stick her tongue out at the delinquent. Unlike his usual irritable demeanour, he simply muttered something under his breath and shook his head. Huh, so he offered to help her and also didn't get pissed off, interesting...

Turning around, she shifted her attention to Avdol, who along with Polnareff and Kakyoin, had just emerged from the captain's cabin after investigating it.

"There's no one in there," Avdol said, looking at Joseph and making an incomprehensible expression.

"All the metres and machines work fine here!" a crewmate called from the opposite end of the deck.

Joseph hummed, "Where is everyone, let's split up an-"

"You guys!" Anne shouted, poking her head from the doorway of another cabin, "Look at this!" Once everyone had filed in, she ushered them to a dark corner of the room and pointed. Looking closely, Y/n could see something glinting behind a row of metal bars. As she squinted, the 'thing' inside came into focus and she squeaked in shock, stumbling backwards.

The metal bars actually made up a large cage, and inside, sat an orangutan. The ape had brownish-orange fur and, its eyes were a deep brown, but the most surprising aspect of it was its glare. It looked at the huddle of people as if it were analysing and assessing each one.

"What a bizarre pet to keep," Kakyoin mumbled, stepping closer to get a better look.

"Who cares about their taste in domestic animals!" Joseph shouted as he made his way back out of the cabin. "Let's find who actually feeds the thing."

Splitting up, Joseph went with Avdol and Polnareff whilst Kakyoin suggested the students remain together, Anne deciding to join them too. After making a quick round of the deck, they found that there was not only nothing out of the ordinary, but there was also no sign of human life entirely. Returning to the main deck, they saw everyone slowly moving to gather around a crane.

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now