Sakura's strength

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Sasuke pov


For so long the only thing I wanted was to hurt and kill him but now...

Now seeing him with Akemi jumping around him excited.... all I can see is missed moments and memories we all could have made.

Just like that he looked over at me and into my eyes and disappeared and just like that that the hate came back full force because he doesn't get the right to just dissappear like that HE needs to explain himself and mabey I should just kill him because he deserves it-

"Sasuke-kun" there was a small gental hand on my arm and suddenly all that anger and hate vanished just like that.

"Sa- Sakura"

"Naruto ran after the bomber Kakashi- Sensei grabbed Akemi and went after him that leaves us with Sasori of the red sand"

"Every weapon he throws at us will be laced with poison you should stay behind me"

What was her name again all I remembered was Akemi calling her a hag

"We can't let you deal with him alone"

Apparently Sasori got tired of waiting cause he sent out shuriken and thousands of kunai.

I ran forward using my tanto to deflect his weapons

"You two come up with a plan I will hold him off"

I can't land a hit on him without getting hit with his tail.

Suddenly Sakura was besides me

"Did you come up with a plan"

She winced "er kind of we need to hit that puppet he's in Lady Chiyo is controlling me with Chakra strings so we need to hurry I thought that mabey I could smash into his puppet while you hold off his tail"

I nodded and jumped at his tail It slashed at me so I twisted above it using my foot to keep the tail down and pinned to the ground.


the sheer force of her punch surprised and knocked me back, my foot slipped and Sasori took that as his chance to strike me right on my ankle.

Sakura snarled when she saw and kicked the puppet with Sasori in it so hard it shattered even more when it hit the wall and a man with red hair came tumbling out.

Sakura ran forward ready to start punching again

"Don't give him a chance to regain his balance "

I nodded and took off after her

"HIS BODY- HE MADE HIMSEILF INTO A PUPPET" Lady Chiyo yelled out and I'm pretty sure cut the Chakra strings that connected her to Sakura

I made it to Sasori first and pinned him to the wall

"Keep him there Sasuke" Sakura came running in punching him right in the stomach he actually cracked but gave no other signs he was hurt

"Ouch" his monotone voice was God's awful he tilted his head like that punch was nothing God's I wanted to punch him actually-

"Hit him again"

Sakura did she hit him again and again so on by the time she was done her own blood was dripping down her arm.

Sasori was a splintered mess but still alive

"How..... how do you kill a puppet"  Sakura panted

It wasn't just her that was tired I was aching all over except for my foot and ankle that part of me was numb and If I hadn't been taught under Orochimaru I probably would have passed out by the poison earlier.

"How did he even make himself into a puppet"  I questioned  logically I wasn't sure you could do that

Sakura stopped

Sakura ripped open the rest of Sasori's shirt and there was a heart of sorts

"What the fuck" I mumbled

"His heart you can't live without a heart" I nodded

"Well" I raised an eyebrow at Sakura

"Do I need to kill him for you" If looks could kill Sakura would have just killed me

I didn't mean anything by it this would probably be her first kill and if she wasn't ready for that I would do it

She grabbed his heart and squeezed popping it blood leaked down her hand she did all that while looking me straight in the eye.

"I don't need your help I can do it on my own i am not weak"

When she was finished she wiped- well more like smacked the blood on my shirt sent a glair my way and stomped off

Well.... I'm not entirely sure I know what just happen.

I sealed up Sasori into a scroll and we caught up with the others.

Sakura was walking with Akemi up at the front and by the looks of it those two matched each other level of mad
Kakashi walked at the back with me

"I'm guessing your the one who made Sakura-chan mad huh" Kakashi gave me his annoying one eyed smile and I stiffened

"I did nothing but seeing as Akemi is stomping up there I'm guessing you did something to pass her off"

Kakashi looked away stuffing his face into his book "I don't know what your talking about"

"Don't hurt Akemi, Kakashi" I know my voice was threatening but I honestly did not care

He raised his eye to meet mine all humor wiped away

"I could say the same to you about Sakura-chan don't hurt one of my precious students Sasuke or we both might do something we regret"

He gave me that closed eye smile and I jumped away to stand beside Naruto and Garra before I punched him how my sister could like him was beyond me.

Please 😂 Kakashi is in such a bad mood because he knows he a lil jerk

Anyway next chapter I hope to have a bunch of kisses and jealousy no one is safe from my wrath.

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