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I took a breath and-

And with no hesitation activate my Sharigan leaving no time for the other guy to even make a move

"Well kill him "

Slowly I walked forward stabbing him almost cringing at the feeling

He clapped that sick motherfucker clapped at me murdering this....this innocent man

"Well done Uchiha" ah praise.... just dosen't feel right in this instance

I stepped back my hands behind my back and a blank facial expression

"Stay here"

When he came back three men were with him

"Get rid of it you two"


Two came closer picking up the man i had just killed and carrying him out

"W-what are you going to do with him"

I would have snorted and this guy if it had been any other time

"Nevermind that fight"

This guy is fast and kind of smart he lunged backwards keeping his gaze on my feet

Sadly I'm faster

Body flickering behind him I stabbed him in the neck, this time not putting him in a genjutsu I heard his screams just before he died

Immediately pulling the kunai back out of his neck blood started squirting out...onto my face

I'm revolted at.... at myseilf at what I've done

"Good" his eyes lighted up with satisfaction

One after another men and women came in to fight me none successfully did because unlike them I had a reason... to well to live to pass this horrible test

I found out after a short time here Danzo goes after a certain kind of people there was ninja

Who don't have anyone or anything
They were the ninja who's parents died ninja who had no one else to depend on

He wanted ninja who wouldn't think twice about dying wouldn't talk back or disobey him

Another thing

Skill well he didn't necessarily need the best of the best he just needed the good enough that survived from there he would make sure to train you so you did become the best of the best

That just made me ten times mad he ruins people's life not just mine

And so with that thought I fought and i killed and I did it with a promise to myseilf that I would kill Danzo and try for the rest of my life to make it up to these people

Before I knew it I had taken out everyone and passed

"Come with me" he sure sounded pleased

He took me to a dim lit room turning to me I got on one knee

He did some hand signs and drew a bit of blood mumbling something underneath his breath


Following his order I opened my mouth my tongue flopping out

Honestly if this wassnt Danzo I would have thought he wanted something else from my tongue if you get my drift

It burns so bad like really really bad like when I first got my hickey of Doom bad

It's like what I bet a tattoo on my tongue would feel like

Through I wouldn't dare make a sound right in front of him

"Right...next is"

He went right back to mumbling he does that a lot just mumbles to him seilf

"Oh yes your tattoo" he ushered me over to a desk


They don't have the nice fancy tattoo equipment he had to do it the old way

Oh this is going to hurt

Also apparently boy's and girls get the tattoo on different arms so they can Identify whether you are a girl or boy.

I was most definitely right that tattoo hurt so bad so now my tongue and my arm are both sore and red

"Come out"

Another member jumped down and landed next to Danzo in a kneeling position

"You two will be..... curtain until further notice"

Aka this person is here to make sure I'm not planning anything against Danzo

We nodded to each other

"Go take her to get her uniform and schedule"

The person nodded and started to walk away I followed with out instructions

He took me to another room with masks, uniforms I'm guessing, tools, wepons, you name it it was in there

"Size" I had to hold back my gasp that smooth cool voice was infact Sai

"Size" he said agien louder this time

"Oh small"

He nodded and went to the furthest aisle

"You should answer quicker if not he might dispose of you permanently"

I nodded

"Seeing as I'm your partner now i thought i should tell you I don'tcare either way what you do"

Harsh but he's only honest

"Understood" I firmly said

Agien he walked passed me grabbing a paper

"You have tomarow to get everything in order after that your Mornings Are going to be spent Learning anatomy and other Sciences mid day is for training with me of course we train till dark unless we get a mission no days off unless you end up in the hospital"

Harsh man I need to thaw his cold heart


"Good pick a mask then get out"

With that he walked out

I grapped my things got a mask and walked home depressed, lonely, and bloody

I'm well overdo for a mental breakdown


Guys my dad past away and i just needed some time to myseilf but i think i want to start writing agien

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