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It's been about a month since that day where I told everyone the truth

Everything kinda went to hell

I didn't expect anything really good to happen actually I knew things would go down hill afterwards but not like this

none of my friends has spoken a word to me

Not even Sakura, she comes by only for scrolls but leaves fast

Anytime I pass by the rest of the rookie nine they don't even look at me

Well except for Hinata she leaves Naruto's letters under my door mat and pickes up my letters to Naruto but never does she say a word to me

Kakashi started going on his AMBU mission's agien so he is rarely around and when he does come back I'm usually on a mission but we talk whenever we get the chance

Shisui has not come to see me he follows Kakashi around from what I've been told

Zabuza and Haku never came home they have been MIA for 4 weeks that's when we lost contact with them

Ishidate went out on his own to look for Zabuza and Haku I haven't heared a thing from him yet

Me and Lady Tsunade rarely ever cross paths amd when we do she has never brought up the letter

Danzo on the other hand has started to trust me I've went on countless solo missions and he is starting to go further and further out of his comfort zone missions for me

And trust me I've earned his trust I have worked my ass off for the last month never back talking never hesitating

Hell he even told me to jump off a cliff once and I did never asking a single question

He laughed as my kunai that i had stuck in the side of the cliff broke off near the end so I dropped down with a roll

Ahh good times right

Today however is a day off well... as close to a day off as I'll get since I'm in the hospital, I took a fatel blow on my uh last mission

Putting on my bloody ripped up clothes I jumped out the window of the hospital room Danzo most likely won't care anyway

Jumping all the way home I just layed there on my living room floor looking up

I laughed smacking my hand to my forehead

"Pft I'm so pathetic" giggling I rolled onto my side holding my stomach

I can't stop the giggles from coming

I got up walking around finnaly giveing in and going into Itachi's room

nostalgia hit me as I walked in sitting on his bed

The awful drawings of two 5 year olds hung up on the walls

His pillows that still smell like old sweat and the metallic smell of blood

Looking around the room I could hear laughter and empty threats

3rd p.o.v

Itachi came running into his room with his little siblings attached to him

"Tachi playyy withh usss" the girl whines
"Yaa Tachiii" the boy adds in slightly whining and slightly mocking his sister

Before the two twins can even blink they are beaing thrown in the air then pushed down and tickled

"Hahaha okayy okayy" the girl tried to break free

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