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Time went by soon enough a month had passed, things slowly moved forward but that chill in the air still lingered.

Kakashi stayed glued to the village BY CHOICE which had never happen before which meant he was constantly on edge not being able to let out his frustrations.

Team's we're never seen without each other it was like they were ready for a war to break out at any second.

Lovers such as Naruto and Hinata we're rarely ever sighted together the only reason people didn't start to speculate a Village-wide breakup is that they noticed whenever Naruto had a nicely packed pink bento box or when Azuma oddly didn't reek of smoke.

Akemi didn't wake up she missed Itachi's and Kisama's interrogation, the head of the clan was temporarily passed onto Shisui, and even with him being in the interrogation room Itachi said nothing just bowed his head or clenched his teeth.

Ibikk was surprised to find out that when faced with an investigation Itachi reacted just like he taught Akemi to act.

Kisame teased and prodded his interrogator but in the end, admitted to only submitting to the village if Itachi did as well.


It was early in the morning or as Akemi would put it the ass crack of dawn

Things happen way too suddenly the attack was not supposed to happen this early they were supposed to have another 3 months to plan.

The village was getting attacked by none other than Pein himself.

Tsunade scolded herself she should have seen this coming, of course, they would realize that their plans were stolen and pull something like this her heart stopped when she remembered Jiraiya and the mission he was on that directly led him to Pein then her breath was knocked out of her whenever she registered who else was with him.

Team 7 hasn't left each other's sights since what took place with Akemi but The old pervy sage said it would do Naruto some good to get out of the village for a while so he set out with the old perve on his mission.


Screaming and crying were all you could hear blood, sweat, and tears are all you could smell bodies were piling up.

Every shinobi who knew any kind of Iryo ninjitsu was out healing or wrapping people up Sakura was teaching anyone willing to try, Sasuke immediately went to guard the cells that held three important people Itachi, Kisama, and Danzo.

Kakashi was honestly not in the best mindset as he ran out and went toe to toe with the actual Pein.

Blow after blow everything in Kakashi screamed at him to turn back but he was just so angry he needed this. Was he trying to legitimately try to take down Pein? Yes did he also feels better after every hit he not only gave but also received? Also yes

It was a strange kind of satisfaction he received whenever his body throbbed and his blood was leaking out of his body, not of the regular feel-good type of satisfaction but the 'I deserve this'  type of satisfaction

He pushed past his limits till his body was numb and cold and he just couldn't get up anymore as he sat there he watched as Sakura ran out with Hinata, Choji, and Shikamaru.

'They made a good team ' he mused Choji was the shield taking all the blows Hinata deflected the rest of the poles while Shikamaru tried to get to Pein with his shadows this gave Sakura a chance to help him out she healed Kakashi but by then Kakashi was coming in and out.

Sakura pleaded with him to stay awake and he wanted to he felt so bad that he made Sakura cry over little ol him but just like he always does he lost that battle too.


Naruto and The Old Perve we're on their way to the Rain village when Naruto tripped on seemingly nothing and fell down a hill twisting his ankle in an ugly way, so they settled in a small village, not too far from their home village to wait for it to heal.

They were about to head out agien whenever a hoard of beat-up civilians came running into the small town crying about the man of six faces.

Suddenly, Naruto was good as new agien.


Kakashi was awake he didn't know how or why but he was awake he opened his eye and there smiling in front of him were two people who strangely enough look just like his parents.

" oh so I've gone crazy"

The woman laughed her two canine teeth poked out and she blushed and went to move her hand over them when his father stopped her and just held her hand.

"My boy turned out so handsome" the woman gloated

Kakashi dropped down to his knees and cried apologizing for everything he's ever done or said wrong.

The women held him softly rubbing his back as the man wrapped an arm around them both

"My son" the man whispered

All three of them sat by the campfire and talked about everything all the anger and sadness all out in the open everyone was forgiven.

Kakashi wasn't sure where to go from there

"What happens now" both of his parents looked at each other then back at him his father straighten up with a hard look on his face.

"Now Kakashi you must face someone else-" he was cut off as both he and his wife started to fade they reached out for Kakashi

"Be careful we love you" the woman cried out reaching for her son

"Careful Kakashi"

Kakashi reached out for them but was sucked into the darkness to him it felt like he was floating it felt numbing was this his punishment for everything he did in his life he wondered

He closed his eyes and accepted his fate.
He felt the shift and knew he wasn't in the darkness anymore he felt whole agien

He took a deep breath and braced himself for whatever he was about to see and opened up his eye.

His jaw dropped

"Akemi," he said breathlessly

Tears weld up in her eyes "Ka- Kakashi"

A/n: that's right I put in Kakashi's mamma because why tf did they not let her talk to her son too in the og!

I head cannon that she also wore a mask just like Kakashi's because she was embarrassed and bullied for her Canine teeth.

Next chapter dirty secrets are gonna be spilled and the beginning of a different fanfic is going to happen the main characters are gonna be Kakashi and Akemi it will be an alternate ending to my next chapter kinda like what could have happened the new fanfic will be posted right after I post the next chapter.

As always love you all stay hydrated and get some sleep my loves 💕

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