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"So what's the plan boss man"

I did an akward attempt to lean an elbow on Minato, he was just so tall it looked weird

His lips quirked up

"We will find Mukade's puppets and how he is making them"

"Well the people of course"

The three men raised an eyebrow at me

"Well today when the brat-"
"Queen Sara"
"Right Queen Dora was about to ya know die the 'people' down below cheering her on were actually puppets"

Minato nodded and started leading us

"If I had to guess I'd guess the Chakra came from the ley lines so we follow the lines and we find where they are beaing made at"

I whistled "the stories about you are true your a hottie and a genus"

I winked and he turned pink the boys besides me chuckled

" she's like another Kushina-san she says whatever she wants to"

Minato chukled while Choza snorted

"Kushina-chan is not as provocative"

Minato shushed us once we got close to where we nedded to be
We found an exhaust pipe that was gonna lead us to where we needed to go

We found so many people sick, boney, cold people turning the wheel the humane side of me wanted to jump down there and give aid to them the logical part of me kept me rooted in place

Minato finnaly signaled us to head back to a safe area

"I've got a plan we wait for Naruto and Kakashi to come which I'm confident will  happen we get the full story then we attack Akemi I will need you to place explosion tags on the puppets you think you can handle it?"

I nodded but frowned while the two behind me stuttered in shock

"Are you sure the two are up to faceing him on there own"

Shibi nodded "I was sure you were going to say do it all yourseilf why? Because you dislike haveing others handle problems you could easily handle"

Me and Minato made eye contact and it just clicked

Ah so the fourth Hokage could be a little selfish huh
He probably knew from the moment him and Naruto met that they were somehow related now he probably figured out he is his son he wants to test Naruto and probably Kakashi too

After all I've come up with about a hundred ways to solve this problem without haveing Naruto and Kakashi fighting the guy head on which means Minato probably thought of a thousand ways

Minato gave me a subtle wink

"Ah Minato" I interrupted the men's argument

"Your so devily handsome"

And so we patiently waited for the rest to come

We silently watched Naruto and Kakashi walk in with Sara

I had to physically keep myseilf rooted to where I was to not jump down and help out my boys

"Alright Akemi go down there and place the explosive tags"

I nodded and silently jumped down weaving through the puppets

I looked up at them Kakashi was still hurt and I was still team captain

" kakashi go with Sara" he nodded and they ran off

Once Mukade fixed himseilf agien I ordered Naruto to leave to

"But Akemi I can't we Can't  just-"

"kakashi is still hurt along with all of Lorans people help them first"

He gave me a pained face but nodded and ran off

When I turned back to the fight Shibi was the one fighting and holy lored Jashin was that man attractive

"I always knew Shino's dad was hot"

Farther into the future

Shino and his father shibi were talking over a knew species of bugs when Shino sneezed and Shibi felt a shiver go through him

Back to the past present

"So boys how are we supposed to defeat the damn puppet that has endless amounts of chakra"

Shibi pulled me the side before a piece of debree hit me

" I've already sent out a message to Minato we just have to keep these puppets at bay long enough so the others can find a way"

So we dodged and smashed

"Chadori" I cried

The puppet fell to pieces before I could reach it and I slammed streight through the wall

"You okay akemi?"

Shibi and Choza ran to me helping me up

"I'm so taking a day off"

The three of us hobbled our way to where everyone else was standing holding onto each other

I started to light up

"Maa I'll see you guys later"

The two men ruffled my hair "see you later"

I walked up to my team

"Woah little Kashi and a big Kashi"

"The time has come for you guys to return to your own era" Minato close eye smilled at us

I lunged at Minato sniffling

"I'm gonna miss you, you handsome HANDSOME man" he just laughed and squeezed me in a hug

"What you guys are leaveing"

Naruto smiled at Sara

"Don't worry even with out us here you will be an excellent queen"

We all said our goodbyes

Naruto and Minato had a little moment

Kakashi and Minato had a moment where I could have sworn Kashi had tears in his eyes

I gave little kashi a kiss on the cheek he tried to run

Sara and I shook hands

I sighed wrapping an arm around both Kashi and Naruto

"Your going to have to erase these memories huh Minato"

He gave me a sad smile and nodded

I looked to Kakashi "we should kiss"

He just raised an eyebrow at me

"We won't remember it anyway"

Kashi laughed "good try better luck next time"

Minato did the jitsu amd we were all almost all faded out of the era

Sara ran to Naruto to hug him and I was chanting a quiet "kiss kiss kiss kiss" to Kakashi

As I was giveing everyone one last wave I was pulled up and Kakashi was pulling down his mask only slightly

I can't even comprehend whats happening but I'm sure it's not Kakashi my one true love kissing me
It went dark not a moment later


"Ughh what happen" I questioned Sakura who was above me and healing me

"We're not too sure Aki" when I looked at Kakashi it's like my brain is nagging at me to tell him something like I'm missing something or I need to remember something

Oh well it's probably nothing

so guys I have another Naruto fic out it's a time travel naruto fanfic and if you like naruhina fluff or baddass hinata you should read it It's also gonna have Itachi and Shisui  annnd lgbtq+ pairings not to memtion sooo much angst ;))

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