All Hell

805 36 6

Chaos, everywhere

I'm ducking swings from Tobi and trying to keep track of my team at the same time.

Sasuke and Itachi are fighting, they will be fine Sasuke trained for this and can handle himself.

I duck under Tobi's kick and kick him in the back into a tree he just goes right through the tree and giggles.

I lookup trying to find the rest of my people while Tobi is semi-distracted

Kakashi and Naruto are alternating between fighting Kakuza and Hidan.

Naruto gets kicked in the chest by Hidan and goes sliding back towards Kakashi, Kakashi jumps over Naruto and fights Hidan, Naruto gets back up and continues the fight Kakashi was just in with Kakuza.

Hinata and Sai are on the same drawn bird they are flying circles around us trying to find a way to get to us but can't seem to find a way in.

Yamato and Shino mostly have Kisame tied up with wood and are trying to get him up on the bird.

When I focus back on Tobi he's gone I swivel around but can't seem to find him.

"What the fuck are you planning"

"Come over here and find out A-ki"

I jump back and look up to see Tobi wave his hand over in the trees.

"No, sorry I've heard tales of what happens to people who follow after sketchy fucking men in masks into the woods"

He giggles and lays his head on a branch

"Okay I'll wait then A-ki"

I stiffen 'mn this is not good'

"What's that mean"

Tobi just giggles again and goes deeper into the woods.

"AKEMI" Yamato is supporting my knocked out twin all the while trying to defend himself against Itachi

With Tobi on the back of my mind, I go and blow a fireball at my brother.



We need to end this I know for sure everyone has taken a Soldier pill already.

I jump next to Yamato
"Keep him preoccupied I have a plan when I yell 'go' you run lead one of them away.

I grab the back of naruto's jacket and pull him back before Hidan's scythe can cut him.

" When I yell 'go' run get the message out"

When I get over to Yamato I'm quick to push Yamato aside hopefully he gets a tiny break

"Itachi come home, please"

He ignores me

I sigh

I'm going to pull a real dirty trick I just hope it works.

I hold my eyes in 'pain' and scream

Yamato runs up to me holding onto my shoulders

"I can't see I can't see what's happening"

I hear Itachi take a large intake of breath and immediately run to my side

"How bad is it, here take this it will help"

Itachi lifts my head and holds a pill out placing it on my lips

Hope it doesn't kill me

I swallow and sigh

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