Sasuke you shit

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I wake up half my body on Naruto half hanging off the bed

"AHH" screaming Naruto catches my ankle just in time before i fall

"What'r you doing Aki" Naruto yawns out
Boruto gets up too with the same sleepy face "whats going on da- I MEAN GOOD MORNING" 

I giggle and jump off the bed walking out into the kitchen

Mabye i should i dont know give them some father son time?
With a shrug i slip on Naruto's ninja shoes with a wave goodbye

"See ya later boys i got to go for a run"

I leave Without waiting for a reply

Starting out with a jog i get a fealing that same fealing of beaing watched  it's so intense and feels like eyes are watching all around me

It's getting hard to breath i-i can't p-please stop looking at me
I fall over my own two legs twisting my ankle


black dots start to cloud my vision I'm so lightheaded I'm going to....i'm going to


Huh.... Sasuke is that...

Reaching out i grab onto him looking up he gives me a sad look and wipes something from my eyes

Huh i was crying

"Are uh you okay" he bends down to my level "just breathe and focus on my voice"

I nodded looking at his one visable eye

Finnaly i start to calm down and breath agien "how" i say with a dry voice

"Uh sister is very sensory sensitive so.." i nod and we walk together him steading me but he looked like he really wanted to run away

"Where are you going" i jump at him suddenly talking

"Oh well i guess home" he nods
"Um your the guy Naruto has to babysit right" he just gives me a slight nod

I stumble slightly wincing as my ancle throbs he stops "do you... should i carry you"

I light up and nod instantly  jumping on his back he just chukles

This is Sasuke well... future Sasuke so i didn't mess up the world too much wear he dies or something thats good i really hope it wassn't future me fault why there here

No matter whoes fault it is i still need to find out why he's here

"Huh Akemi"

Ehh "Shika" i humm with a closed eye smile

"Are you ok" he gives Older Sasuke a curious stare

"Oh ya im good just.... triped and fell haha and what about you"

Ah he knows somethings up pretty sure he will ask about this later

"Ya lady Tsunade gave a mission to all the genin so i guess since your a Jounin you don't have to come luck you"

I giggle waveing him away

"Y-your a jounin" he seems hesitant to talk to me for good reason but still that makes me kinda sad

"Yup just barley but still counts" he nods

We get to the Uchiha compound and just stair ahead

"Oh do you mind helping me inside my family is away"

Did i just want to see his reaction maybe but it's not really a lie Kakashi took Zabuza and Haku to help out with getting Ishidate into Konoha as a legal ninja and of course i could walk my seilf inside I'm a capable ninja but i need answers

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