Day off? Never

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Ah yes today the most sacred of all days as a Shinobi

A day off

You see as shinobi you never get a day off not really... well not unless your on the verge of death.

That is exactly why today on my very special first day off in years I am sitting in a very large tree in the middle of the Forest.

A blanket wrapped around me, cookies in my weapons pouch, tea in my water bottle.

If they can't find me they can't send me on missions and if the do find me it better be damn important.

Ahh peace and quiet


"My.. love" I gave Kakashi a side eye glance

"Akemi-chan we have a mission"

"Take Sasuke it's my day off"

Kakashi leaned in trapping me into the tree

"Maa we need another Jounin for the mission"

Nope nu uh you can't talk me into coming with you stay strong Akemi stay strong just don't think about how close he is to you.

"It's my day off love"

Kakashi moved both hands from there position on either side of me cornering me in, to my knees that I had drawn up to my chest.

" I need you Akemi-chan"
He slowly started to rub Circles into my knees

It's all good just don't think of his strong calloused hands on me or the way he is stairing so intently at me-.

"AGHHHHH" I threw myself at him and he easily caught me holding me bridal Style.

"Lets get this over with" Kakashi gave me his sexy closed eye smile and we were on our way to the hokages office.

Once inside the room I could see how heavy the aura of the room was.

"Lets get started now that were all here, last night Garra of the desert, the Kazakage was kidnapped by the Akatsuki and a number of Suna's people and Shinobi were hurt, poisoned actually I told them we were sending out our best Shinobi do not disappoint."

Her gaze landed on Sakura "Sakura Haruno you are the medic of this mission, as you are the best medic besides me."

Her gaze softened only slightly before she looked over to Sasuke.

" Sasuke Uchiha this will be a trial run for you, you will listen to everything your superiors tell you to do and if not, you will not be returning to active duty for another six months."

Ah so this is a test for my dear ol brother of mine, It's a balsey move for a mission as important as this one.

"Kakashi Hatake and Akemi Uchiha you two are in charge, Akemi I expect you to keep an eye on your brother, Kakashi I expect you to keep an eye on Akemi"

Ah she doesn't exactly trust me, man ya think you know a person, and telling me to my face that I'm beaing watched it's a warning.

"Naruto Uzumaki against my better judgement I will allow you to go on this mission on the condition that you stay away from the Akatsuki and if you do encounter them you will flee."

Naruto pouted and grumbled but it's garra were talking about so he agreed

Lady Tsunade shooed us away to go pack and get going immediately.

Soon enough we were all ruining out the gate.

Naruto way ahead of us Sakura and Sasuke not too far behind him and Kakashi and I at the back.

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