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"Pup slow down will ya i can't keep up and I'm supposed to be leading you"

I abandoned my leg weights once we took off i guess I'm kinda fast

"Sorry I'm just so worried about Kakashi"

Pakun brushed up against my leg

"I know me too"

This has to be the most I've ever ran before and at top speed

"Alright pup slow down i smell him near by but i also smell a couple other 'Sniff five maybe 'Sniff six"

I carefully got out my whip stepping around sticks or leaves that could alarm anyone of my presence

"Stay here Pakun i don't want anything to happen to you" i whispered he laid the softest paw I've ever felt before on my leg


The scean i came up to had my blood boiling Kakashi in the middle trying to fend off about five men while another man is giveing directions

Alright think fast Kakashi is obviously hurt so the best thing to do would be to eliminate all six...uh i think it would be better to save one to interrogate but... no Kakashi is more important

Sticking to a tree i climbed as fast as i could before jumping off already sending out kunai and shuriken as i landed just as Itachi and Shisui taught me

Some dodged I think about two did I'll handle that later looking up i locked eyes with the one looking to be giveing out orders and he instently fell down trapped in my genjutsu

Heh i should learn Tsukuyomi later

Tuning just as one came at me I nearly got a kunai to the throat but i moved faster so they barly knicked me just enough to draw a little blood

He kept comeing after me slashing and throwing one kunai after another before i finaly ducked down twisting around him attacking him from behind with a kunai going into his back

I wanted to cringe at the feeling of it  tearing through his skin or the blood that dripped onto my hands

But allas no time

Where the fuck did that last one go

I looked around counting one,two, three, for, five i swear there were six

Oh oh fuck

Running at top speed and panting heavly i ran and ran trying to find the last guy not even knowing if he went this way kami i hope he went this way

Just as i was about to give up i heard a 'swoosh in the air

Thank you

I jumped up tackling the last guy to the ground we landed with me on his back stradaling him

I moved his hands so my knees were ontop of them stopping him from moveing and i pulled his head up tossing his mask away one hand around his throat one on his hair

"Why are you after Kakashi" he looked at me with dead eyes saying nothing finally just as i was about to kill him he shoved out his tongue

That symbol Danzo gave it to all his root members i knew it

He is after Kakashi

I slit his throat and jumped up running back to Kakashi i saw he passed out back there when i was fighting

Before going over to Kakashi i walked over to the guy giveing directions quickly killing him as well then patting down his body i found two scolles

Pocketing them i then walked over to Kakashi and  picked him up barely able to hold him up since he is way taller then me

"W..what now"

"Well thoes guys don't seem like they are going to stop comeing after him and we still dont know where the other are yet"

Right the mission was to get everyone back to safety

"Well your the leader whats the decision"

The pressures on me so much

"Okay lets find the nearest hotel and.... and i will fix Kakashi up as best as i can hopefully he will wake up soon and explain everything"

Pakun rubbed agienst me "your doing good pup"

I gave a weak smile so glad i had Pakun here with me i probably would have already broke down without him

We found a hotel in a little village not to far away from where we found Kakashi   we got checked in and i finaly put Kakashi down to examin him

Okay one large gash on the side of his head and one large gash on his chest his arm looks pretty broken but I'm not sure really how to tell
His ribs i have no idea how to tell Kami how i wish Sakura was here with me i have a new found respect for her as a Iryo- nin

Okay....okay so the best thing to do is...is well-

"Pup calm down nothing good will happen if you start to hyperventilate like that"

I nodded and with shaky hands pour everything out of my kunai pouch cause thats really all i brought

I have weapons galore, some creams, soldier pills, pain pills and a roll of blue bandages with little shuriken on them they looked cute at the time don't judge me

"What else do we need to help Kakashi Pakun"

He looked over Kakashi his tongue pokeing out a little as he thought

"Do ya know any medical ninjitsu pup"

I almost cried then and there "n...no... none at all"

"Okay lucky for you Kakashi has limited knowledge but what he does know me and the rest of the pack were there to learn with him"

THANK KAMI someone knows what their doing

"The two gashes will need stitches and.. feel his arm here and here-"

There was a loud groan from Kakashi when i touched him and i jumped back

"Come back here he'll be fine but his arm is dislocated now feel here here and here"

I would have cooed at how cute he looked pointing with his paws and snout

Another loud groan came from Kakashi and yet agien i jumped back but not as far as i did last time

"His ribs are not broken but bruised"

"Alright so what... what do i do first"

Pakun sits up

"Alright put your hands here keep them firm your going to have to pop his arm back into place so put your other hand here and push up"


I never ever want to cause a pop from my beloved ever agien

"Good now wrap up his ribs tight and since we have nothing to stitch him up wrap his gashes too"

I did as i was told and then got to work on putting some creams on his bruises and scratches

Finaly done i sat next to Kakashi on the bed gently stroking a bruis on his arm while Pakun layed in my lap trying to not think about today my first kill

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