Guardian of the cresent Moon kingdome

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"Hot.....Hot.....Hot "

Me and Naruto chanted together

"Oh be quiet you two we already have our summer uniforms so no more  complaining"

Lee rubbed my sholder "were almost their it will be okay"

I shake my head "no it's hot and I'm still depresed it's not...not youthful"

Lee gasped nodding along "oh i see i see"

"Oh get over it it's a very important B-rank mission"

I glaired at Sakura before turning to the sound of many....many carreges up ahead

"I am the prince of the land of the Moon Michiru Tsuki"

I blocked out the introductions to openly stair at Kashi in his summer uniform

'This man is too beautiful for life'

"Well i can see I'm in good hands" i look up to see the Prince comeing towrds me and Sakura

"Well hello arnt you two pretty things, far too pretty to be a ninja~"

Eh did he just call us THINGS

" don't be deceived there well-qualified" Kashi said moveing to stand behind me and Sakura

"You don't say, i'm glad you came"
He put out his hand for me and Sakura to shake

"Ahha you two are cute"

Holding our hands he started to rub them then he rubbed further up our hands and me and Sakura looked at each other and giggled while all three of the boys looked ready to murder him

"AHH y-you t-two have such- such a strong grip"

"Like you said your in good hands" Kashi ruffled our hair while me snd Sakura fist bumped

A fake arrow came flying at Naruto but i caught it before it landed

"In real life you would've died if it wassnt for that girl" i giggled and walked forward ruffling his hair giveing him his arrow back

"Silly if this was a real arrow you would've been dead first"

His eyes went big and i booped his nose walking away
While Naruto yelled at him

Kakashi slapped the back of mine and Naruto's head

"Just deal with it you two remember what Lady Tsunade said"

I just nodded him off and got onto moveing with the carriage

Ninja came out and me and Sakura were back to back fighting

She's gotten better i smiled a little

We took them down easy and got back to walking

I'm so excited this is one of my first missions as a jounin that means everyone but Kakashi has too follow my comand and Kakashi is going to be watching over me


It was night now and me and Kakashi were the only ones up except for Naruto who was sneezing and shivering

Sighing i walked over to him and drapped my blanket over him

"Akemi what are yo-'"

I ruffled his hair and slapped him a seal that stored heat in it on his forhead

"Don't worry i would never let my best friend get cold"

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