Tests and Revenge

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I can hear the pounding in my head gah what happen.

I sit up immediately and see Sasuke in a chair next to my bed so I karate chops his head.

He jumps up with a glair and a kunai out

"Something wrong dear"

He sighs and hugs me kissing the top of my head

"You worried me"

I smile "gomen"

I freeze

"The test what time is it" he waved me off "Kakashi is going to give you a different test and he is supposed to come by here to get both of us" I nod and get up stumbling a bit but change into my clothes while explaining what happen to me.

"Ready Sasuke"

He nods and we hold hands to the front desk to get me checked out we meet Kakashi there I smile at him and we head off to the training ground


Both Sakura and Naruto yell "gomen that would be my fault I had....an...accident that held them up"

They both look very confused oh well I'm not explaining something I don't even know myself

Kakashi puts a hand on my head
"Yes well I will be testing Akemi separate so her test first then I will get to yours" they all nod excepting it

"Okay I will just ask you some questions and give you some generous that's it"

I pout "so I don't get to do anything physical"


"But whyyy"

He sighs "too much strain on the body is bad for your health" I pout some more "i- I can work with them though right" I look at them but they just avoid eye contact don't.fucking.tell.me

"S-sorry Aki-chan but if I want to be Hokage I have to do this on my own" I tilt my head "oh"
"Sasuke," I ask hopefully
"Of course" I beam yay "I will get a bell for you two" my smile fades
"Sakura" she looks stunned that I asked
"Ah i- next time for sure"

I put my lips into a thin line then smile


"I'm sorry but if no one is willing to work with you" Kakashi looks for sympathy

"Sasuke" I try one more time

"it's just your too weak" I take a step back and Sasuke's eyes widen "no I mean at the moment"

"Oh ya no I get it" I smile at him
Not good enough

"Come on sensei" I turn around and lose my smile just a blank stare.

We go to a private area

"Okay to start let us say you were on a mission and your teammate got hurt what would you do carry on with or without them"

"I would make sure they are okay enough to continue and carry on with them and get them healed when there is a chance"

He nods

"Second, you find out your teammate is a trader what do you do"

"I would confront them ask them why if it's their choice I take them into custody"

"And if it's not"

"Well then help them out the best I can to get them out of that situation"

"Let's say a comrade dies and you have the chance to take down the killer but your other comrade is on the verge of death if they don't get to medical attention what do you do"

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