I need to tell you

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I limped home bloody and tired, the ammount of lives I've took from just one hour is sick

When I got home I ran straight to my shower and just sat letting the water mix with my tears

They- they all had a name..... a life and i stole it from then....broken shinobi or not they- they could have grown and had a family and I took that from them I never even gave them a chance

I grabbed a rag and started rubbing my arms trying to get all the blood off them but nothing is working

"Get off Get off Get off Get off"

My hands- blood all the way up to my elbows


I-I can't please just-just get off me

It felt like their was voices all over

'You killed them' the voices said
'You didn't even hesitate' they just kept on coming and coming

"I KNOW I-I....I know....I know"

I kept scrubbing my arms moveing to scrub my neck and face

I srubbed so hard and I...I just couldn't stop till arms went around me and another pair grabbed my own wrists forcing them to my lap

" no NO stop I need to get the blood off STOP"

"Hey....HEY" I struggle and struggle


Someone grabbed my jaw and forced me to look up

"S....Sensei" immediately I jumped back hitting my back agienst the wall curling up in a ball

"G...Go Sensei you can't- you can't see me"

"Why not" he cautiously took a step forward

"B-Because I'm a horrable person and don't deserve you"

He just hummed

"Why do you think that kid" Zabuza asked from the other side of the room

I didn't even know he was here

"I killed people innocent people who didn't deserve it and-and I'm a monster"

I got laughter in return

I peeked up to see both Kakashi and Zabuza howling with laughter right as Haku walked in with....Shino odd but not mad

I fully looked up my lip quivering "d...don't laugh it's not funny"

Kakashi and Zabuza looked at me blinked then looked back at each other and started to laugh agien

"Okay okay thats enough of the both of you" Haku actually raised his voice coming over to me and wrapping a towl around me

Thank you mama Haku

"When you both are done with your laughter come to her room and be helpful" I'm pretty sure Haku glaired at both of them

I walked out of my bathroom and into my room

"Here I got you new clothes why? Because yours are wet"

I didn't dare look Shino in the eyes

When I got changed everyone came back in and Haku came over with bandages

"Alright kid listen up you are not a moster the furthest from one actually"


"But...but..." Zabuza mocked me

" am I a monster" he continued

"No" I mumbled

"Wrong I am but I've done way worse then you and If you dont consider me a monster then you surly are not one"


"Akemi" looking up to Kakashi he squatted to my level

With a stearn look he ruffled his hair
"You are not a monster you are a Kunochi you have to kill in this bizz and just the fact your crying over this just means you care and thats a good and bad thing just remember why your doing this"

I sniffled and leaned in looking him in his eyes Er eye

"Got it" he gave me a closed eye smile

I kissed him on the nose

"Got it"

He pushed my face and I hissed in pain


Zabuza snorted "your fault kid"

They handed me a mirror and I finnaly noticed the long deep scratched down my face to my neck


I looked around at everyone in the room

Kakashi, Zabuza and Haku, Shino
I love everyone in this room so much

"I have to tell you all something that I've been keeping secret"

Everyone took a seat looking at me

"I've been forming a plan since Sasuke left" I saw them all either take a short gasp breath or lean forward

"Well I should start with the beginning Lord Danzo" my toungue burned slightly from the marka as a warning

"Danzo gave me a position in his ROOT squad I've found out that he is the reason for the Uchiha massacre and many many other life ruining things so my plan is too find Sasuke and tell hin the truth also wanted to get Itachi too well anyway I want to do this all while working for Danzo so i get actual evidence on him"

I took a breath to let everyone let that sink

"I fucking new it didn't I tell ya Haku the whole thing with Itachi was fishie and they all told me it was just Kisame i was smellin"


"Tonight I took his horrible test so i could join...and well I'm not dead so.."

"Ya I saw you walking home and called out to you why? Because you were limping and smelled of blood when you did not reply I knew something must be wrong so I followed you when I heard you scream I got Kakashi Sensei and the others just seemed to follow"

I pulled him too me and ran my fingers through his hair as a thanks

"So how did you find out about Danzo and the massacre Akemi"

I gulped this....this is it I'm going to tell the truth now I am it needs to come out now

"That....that is another secret well do you all remember Shisui Uchiha"

"Uh..the flicker guy er body flicker guy"

I nodded "well turns out hewasnotreallydeadamdhasbeenhelpingmeout"

I got a bunch of blinks in reply

"Say that agien" Kakashi rubbed his face

"Well he was not really dead and has been helping me out I just found out uhh during the waves mission and well he has been sneaking into Danzo's place and finding this stuff out ohh which reminds me Kakashi he caught Shisui in his place kinda looking like you sooo thoes guys who came after you today er yesterday were.....ya I'll stop now"

Everyone in this room looked extreamly tired right about now

"Well now I guess someone forgot to invite me to this party"

Ahhh shit

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