Kakashi gets kissed

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I woke up a bit late strange my alarm clock should have gone off already.


For some reason my eye hurts so like a normal person i rub it but that makes me cry in that one eye.

Today feels different like something big is going on today but I don't remember any Arks happening so soon

"Sasuke are you here"

No answer he's usually always here today really is strange

Sasuke's p.o.v
The dobe Naruto and Sakura have me going around watching Kakashi with some lady

Honestly I was a little interested but I'm mostly here so that when my sister finds them she dosent completely kill that lady

She can be scary and i have no doubt that she will go crazy when sees them-

I was brought out of my thoughts by Naruto falling out of the tree.


looks like shes here

Akemi's p.o.v
I went walking around and passed by Ino

"Hey Ino"


I squint my eyes at her that same eye starting to bother me agien.

"Ino is everything ok"

Avoiding eye contact
Nervous twitch

"Whats going on"

She looks at me a scrunched up face off pity

"Kakashi-sensei is on a date-"

What i don't ever remember that he gets no girlfriend

Was it in a filler episodes?

Come on memory don't leave me now that i need you most.


I ran the fastest I've ever run i see my team mid fall


Bam- they are kissing i fell to the floor wailing

"Waa Sensei whyy"

Naruto comes up with flowers


I took the flowers and beat him with it

"Itaa Akemi whyy?

I glair then throw myseilf in Sasuke's arms

"Onii-chan take me home!!"



I wail louder still clinging onto Sasuke

"You broke her Sensei" Naruto says while he pats my head sympathetically

"Shame on you" Sakura says trying to look disappointed at Sensei

Sasuke smirks a little but plays along

"Oh it will be okay youll find someone better"

How dare they make a jokery out of my misery

"Waaa im just going to go home and be depressed no food tonight i guess you will all have to go out to eat"


everyone yelled even sensei

"What c-can i do for my foo- i mean to make it up"

I inwardly smirk

Sniffle "well we can spend the day together"

"And night" i wiggle my eyebrows and the lady coughed while Sensei just sighed


He held out his arm expecting me

So i held onto his arm his mucily warm hard


Best day ever

"Akemi i really have to go into a private meating"

"Sounds interesting lets go"

I give a sigh and let my mind wonder theough the rest of the time i already know what's going on so no need to pay attention

I really just let my my drift but when i saw Kashi right in front of my face i snapped back to reality.

"Yes my love"

"Akemi-chan" he gave me a closed eye smile and i just melted

"Would you do me a favor you would right"

Oh yes i would i nod absent-minded swooning at basically anything he does

"Good now stay"

"Ya st-wait a minute"

I look down to see im tied to a chair "oh Sensei i didn't know you were into this" i purred out

He looked horrified how lovely

"Ya so i will be right back do not move"

I nodded enthusiastically hehe he'll come back.....i hope


3 hours later

So it's been about three hours and i have a fealimg that he isint comeing back

Sigh how foolish i am

I easily break the rope and rub my arms i hope Sensei steppes on a Lego.

I run to where i see Kashi and that lady standing at and jump on Sensei's back he stiffens then relaxes

"I hope to see you agien" the lady says

"Hmph good luck with that side character number 225"

Sensei hit my head and we turned to walk away

We went home and he stayed with me awhile we talked about everything and anything everyone was eaither training or on a mission so i put their food in the fridge as for me and Kashi we went outside to have a picnic

Somehow we started to talk about our family's and friends

"I mostly took to training to let out what i feel I've never been good with emotion" i looked at Kakashi in awe soaking in everything he says

"Sometimes i wonder what it would be like if my family was still here i wonder if Sasuke would still be an angsty shit maybe Itachi would have got a girlfriend" i mused

We sat in silence for a long time and i lied down snuggling as close to Kakashi as i could slowly drifting into sleep

Kakashi's p.o.v

I staired at her curled up form next to me honesty she hasn't changed since i met her all thoes years ago i used to thiink she was just a cheeky brat well she still is but i can see how sad she really is in her eyes and she really sounds older then she is

Well i assume she did have to grow up faster

There is also so much too her she seems uncareing but in fact cares more then anyone else she....she is so passionate about wherever she is doing wether it be cooking or training.


I pick her up and she wakes up a little

"Did i fall asleep agien dad"

A pang of sadness hit me looking st the sleeping girl in my arms

"I'll take you to bed go back to sleep"

Just this once i will let her believe everything is okay just this once she can believe and relive whatever happy memory she wants

Just this once

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