Team Akemi

777 26 1

5:00 am 2 and a half hours till the start of mission 14 days till Konohana Cultural festival

I woke up at 5 am my hands shaking and gasping for a breath.

Chills up and down my back and one thing on my mind.

'Someone is going to die'

I shook and activated my Sharingan 


Getting out of bed I ran around my village "it's just pre-mission jitters relax"

I probably went around the village 100 times before I was calm enough to breathe right.

I went to the hospital, looking at the roster to see if there was anyone I could take with me on the mission.

There was no one good enough or that I trusted enough that I could take with me on the list

"Sakura" I growled out, why did she have to be such an annoying brat sometimes

A talented trusted annoying brat

I turned ready to leave

"Akemi-chan I thought you had a mission today are you okay?"

Swiveling around Hinata was there twiddling with her hands

"Hina-chan do you perhaps know any Iryō ninjutsu"

She nodded her head and her face went pale as she saw my feral grin

"I'm not as good as Sakura-chan b-but I know enough to be of use"

I nodded "meet up at my house at er well in an hour"

6:30 am two hours till the start of the mission, 14 days till the deadline

I walked back to my house going over my people in my mind

"Akemi-sama excuse me"

What now I grumbled but looked to the speaker

"Tenzō-san what is it"

Rude? Maybe but I need to get to my place like now

He bowed his head "I understand we do not know each other that well we've only been on a couple of missions together but I'm pleading with you to let me join your squad to retrieve Itachi-san"

Pleading huh, well he's not the first to say this every shinobi wants to come with me for different reasons, of course, to get a chance to beat Itachi, to be a part of the fight witness history I've turned down the others but I'm curious to hear what his reasons are.

"Why?"  His head snapped up like he was surprised like he was expecting a rejection.

"You may not know this but I was on an Ambu Squad with him and Kakashi-sempai and a few others of course but his... Unfortunate leave was quite frankly heartbreaking and I would like to help bring him home at any cost"

I licked my lips any cost huh that's what I like to hear

"Fine, follow me home and we can go through the plans"

I walked off letting him stutter his thanks then run to keep up with me

"I trust you ya know you warned me about Danzo when you didn't have to your a good guy and very talented I like you"

He sputtered his cheeks reddening

When I opened the door to my house everyone was already their bags packed and ready.

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