My rival/ best girl friend

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Do ya wanna know where I am huh do ya? Do ya?

Well I'm telling you anyways

I am

On top




I'm a god I tell ya A GOD

I guess we should start from the beginning though right.

So I was sitting their barbecue sauce on ma titties early in the morning when a thought came to me.

I don't have a rival everyone has a rival I need one too.

So I jumped up off the couch and headed out the door.

"Aki you have-"

"Barbecue sauce on ma titties yes yes good day now"


"I said good day"

I left not knowing where I was going I just let my legs take me wherever.

Note to future self never trust your legs I got lost

Well, I was lost till I found Kakashi-sensei, or more like he was following me.

"Sensei" I had said strictly then bowed I was a woman on a mission there was no time to ogle my Sensei.

He stared at me dumbfounded then went completely red.

"You- you have some- some uh"

"I'm aware does it bother you Se-ns-ei" he simply poofed away.

Like I said I'm a god

I found my way to training ground 8 and went straight to Shino

"Shino will you be my rival"

"Sorry Akemi I don't think I could actually hurt you"

Before he could say more he looked down at me and promptly passed out with a nose bleed.


I looked straight at Hinata since she squeaked when Shino passed out.

"Hinata will you be my rival/ girl best friend"

She squeaked agien it was so cute I smiled at her "let us go for a walk"

We walked to a BBQ place and I finally wiped off the sauce and we sat down.

"W-why do you want me as- as your r-rival"

"Well I noticed a lot of people have rival's and they all got closer and stronger because of it"

She looked a bit skeptical

"Neji and Lee are rivals both strong and close friends same with Sakura and Ino, Kakashi-sensei and Guy-sensei, Naruto and Sasuke so please Hinata be my best friend and rival"

She got a determined look on her face when I said Naruto I knew it.

"O- okay b-but m-my father has to-to give the okay if we spend a lot of t-time together".

I nod and jump up

Yet agien there was sauce on ma titty it was just meant to be.

We head to her compound I get some dirty looks alls good so far till we reach her dads' study.

I spaced out till I was put right in front of him, him giving me cold eyes.

" I heard your proposition why"

Beauty of DawnOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz