Uchiha Heiress

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I looked up at the Masked Ninja outside of my window


He bowed to me... Odd

"Hokage-sama request you to her office"

I munched on my toast for a second, before handing it over to the Anbu and flickering away.

As I stood just outside of Lady Tsunade's office I felt the angry crackle of my brother's chakra inside.

Oh damn, I haven't felt him this mad in a long time, it made me almost not wanna go in and just pull a Kakashi.

"Akemi get in here" I stilled

"Drats I've been caught"

Casually walking in with my hands in my pockets I looked at Sasuke and he didn't even spare me a glance

Lady Tsunade looked me in the eyes with absolute certainty

"Akemi Uchiha you have been chosen to be the new clan leader"


OH HELL NO too many regulations too many watchful eyes I will NOT do that to myself.

"No" I squared my shoulders and kept eye contact so that she knew I was not joking.

"What" she slammed her hands on her desk cracking it a little bit

" Respectfully there is absolutely no way in hell will I ever willingly agree to become a clan leader"

She leaned back and crossed her legs

"Fine then let me put it to you this way nothing is getting done till you and only you say yes to the title, Danzo will stay in jail, and the longer he remains the longer the council will find a reason to get him pardoned, Itachi will not be coming back to the Village and do I have to remind you that THERE IS A WAR COMING"

I barely held in my disgust and anger

Swallowing and biting my tongue I calmly, took a step forward

"That title is rightfully Itachi's"

Sasuke shot me a betrayed look, sorry bro but now is not the time

"And if and when you get him back you may give him the title but at this moment you are the best option"

"Shisui he can do it"

"He was gone for too long and quite honestly his psyche evaluation came back just as bad as Sasuke's"

I snorted "and you think mine would be any better"

She rolled her eyes "no you're probably right along with them but no one knows that" she hesitated,
"Well no one has any proof"

She beckoned me forward and I immediately fell into my Anbu stance

"There will be a meeting at the end of the week every clan will be there along with the elders and a couple more important people, that is where it will be decided who is the new Clan Leader and the plans for Itachi and Danzo will be finalized"

Knowing I lost this argument, I bowed my head down in submission

"Good all three of you are excused"

My neck snapped up to see Shisui land right in front of me in his Anbu uniform

"Tsk you two need more training"

As we all walked out I tried reaching for Sasuke but he dodged my hand and when we got far enough he turned back to us

It was a tense silence for a second before he spoke up

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