Chapter 23

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Everyone has their moments when they feel complete desperation and carries the feelings of uselessness but it manifests differently in everyone. The feeling is unbecoming and a heavy burden to bare on ones own but it is a wonder why some don't pass it off. Some people handle it with ease but those who don't absolutely crumble.

I am one of those people.

I find myself flying and crashing through the wall. Rubble crumbles on top of me and pierces through my skin. Hot tears run down my cheek, mixing with the blood that stains my face. He stares down at me and spit the blood from his busted lip in my face. I wipe my face with a sneer.

"Get up sissy!" No. I refuse to fight him, my wolf would not allow me to. But as I looked into his eyes, I know he would have no problem ending my life despite our ties. "I am not fighting you!" Tears well in my eyes when I realize I will have to do what I fought so hard against. His hand swings at me sending me back to the ground. Please goddess, don't make me do this.

The eyes that I once stared into for hours now stared at me with pure hatred and it was breaking my heart. How could he suddenly despise me so much that he goes to these lengths? As his foot stomps onto my ribs, I know I need to fight back or he will kill me. Forgive me.

Standing to my full height, I throw my leg out and kick him square in the chest. He stumbles but before he can catch his balance, I slam my fist into his nose and another and another. Still, he doesn't give up and I feel somewhat proud of his skills and bravery. When he continues to fight, I know that I have to take him out. Silently I hope that it does not kill him.

Lightning shoots from my eyes and smacks him in the chest. He goes soaring through the wall and bellows a screech of pain. Oh god no, please don't be dead.. I rush to him, my heart beating erratically. His chest rising and falling steadily brings me a sense of relief. Cradling his head in my lap, I brush the curls out of his eyes and place a kiss on his forehead.

"I am so sorry Aiden."

Bloody tears fall from my eyes, the punishment for using my powers. Now you may me wondering how we got to this point, if you will all follow me to the past I can show you where our relationship sunk.


I walk into Aiden's home and shift back. When I breathe out there is a huge puff of air. Why is it so cold in here? "Aiden! Where are you?" The house seems eerily quiet, he just mind-linked me so he is home. I try to reach out to him with our bond but his wall is up. The more I tried the more my head began to hurt.

My senses zero in on a noise upstairs but there was something about it that seemed off. With my wolf at the ready, I started up the stairs as quietly as possible. Upon coming to the thermostat, I noticed that it was not even on. What the hell! A bang comes from down the hall followed by a grunt. Instinctively my claws extend as I crept towards his room.

What I came across has my heart dropping to my feet. At first glance, it seemed that Aiden was cheating on me but when I looked into the desperate eyes of my mate, I instantly know that it was not the case. Aiden's hands are bound with silver shackles and there is some sort of shape-shifter tearing into his flesh.

I am frozen as I stare at my mate and I can't help but feel helpless. The muffled screams of my mate shake me out of my shock. Running to the cannibal creature, I grab it by its neck and fling it across the room. It came charging at me full speed but with one hand, I had it in my grasp. Summoning branches, they wrap its neck and dangle it by its feet. Fortunately for Aiden, I have mastered my lightning so with the blink of my eyes, he is free.

A hollowed screech brings me to my knees and causes the branches to drop the creature. "Gahhh!" Ignoring the blood pooling from my ears, I get into my fight position. The creature is tall with green fur and smelled of rotten corpse, towered over me but I was not going to let it near my injured mate.

"Little mate go, it will kill you!"

"I am not going anywhere until this bastard is dead." It swings its claws at me and I barely dodged it. When it leaps at me, I duck and roll to the side so Aiden has a chance to escape. "Aiden you need to go now." He smacks me on the head and stands next to me as we face the ugly thing.

"I am staying with you little mate, we fight together whether you like it or not." His side is beating profusely where there a huge chunk of his skin is missing. There is a slow clap and the creature is now smiling. Its teeth were sharp like a shark's and upon looking closer, its easy to see is eyes switching from red to pitch black.

"Well how sweet is that. The two ride or die sissy's." The voice is gruff and strong while carrying a sort of power. Aiden flinches when something is suddenly shot in our direction. A dart? Aiden collapses at my feet and the shifter take this chance to throw itself through the window thus shattering the glass. I whimper looking at my now unconscious mate. I'll be back my love.

I chase after the monster and growl when it is nowhere in sight. My wolf makes himself known and he takes over tracking the shifter down. He tracks the rotten scent down to a field outside of pack lands. 'Alpha there is an unknown shifter outside of pack territory, it has attacked beta Aiden and he is severely injured. 45 degrees east of the south border. It is wounded so it can be tracked.'

'I am on my way warrior, please return to Beta Aiden. I need all of my trackers and warriors to head to the south border and I will meet you all there. Go now!'

'Yes Alpha.'

Without needing to be told twice, I rushed back to my mate and prayed he was alive. "Aiden get up please!" There was a large, red lump on his neck where the dart was sticking out. His eyes fly open and they stare at me with a foreign emotion, they look dull..almost lifeless. Sharp teeth protrude under his lip but those are not werewolf teeth. Those are from something much more sinister.

"Hello little mate." He says sinisterly. Suddenly his hand clamps around my throat and cuts off an air I was getting. "W-What are you doing baby--I c-can't b-b." He throws me and I find myself flying and crashing through the wall.

So here we are everyone, the moment before our relationship sunk.


I know I suck guys, I haven't updated in a while and I'm just losing my touch. If y'all can be upset and I will understand. Let me know what y'all think, don't be strangers. Love&Respect @chocolatebutterpie.

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