Chapter 15

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He clutched on to him tightly, not realizing he was hurting his mate. Growling, My wolf dropped to the ground and stalked his prey. My eyes watching his every move. Every time he blinked, every breath he took, every beat of his heart. My wolf heard it all and he was ready for it.

  'Dame no! He's beta, do not hurt him!'

    He shut me out and instead got ready to pounce. "Beta Aiden, you have to do exactly as I say." Elder Valle say. My wolf was to focused on Aiden to see her come forward. She took slow steps towards me.

  "Gently and very very slowly put down beta brandy, very slow." He nods and slowly starts to put Brandy down. Once he's close enough to the ground my wolf growls and launch my body over Brandy's. I look down at his body to make sure he's not injured. When my wolf is sure he's okay, he gives me back control.

  I drop my body on top of B's and cover him from the view of others. I lick his paws and paw that is still injured. Aiden growls and I growled back.

  Elder Valle steps in between us. "Don't Aiden, Zyren is more powerful than you now. He can kill you instantly if he believes you are a threat to your mate. You have to give him time, he and his wolf are still new to the whole guardian thing."

This catches all of our attention. "Come you three, I will explain it to you at my home." Brandy and I stand, he behind limp to avoid his injured paw. We all follow and somehow pick up alpha and Luna on the way.

When I sense him getting tired, I grab him by the scruff of his neck and carry him in my mouth. He's a lot heavier than he was before so I hand him to his mate.

  "Elder Valle, is it safe to carry my mate with Zyren so close?"

  "I believe so. His wolf is offering him to you so this must mean he knows he's safe with you." Aiden didn't have to be told twice and took him from my mouth.

I walked close to his side and Brandy lovingly licked his mate. The giant wolf got comfortable in the betas arms as he gently pet him.

I see that he is safe and relax while drifting farther away to give them privacy.  Upon arriving at Elder Valle's house, Brandy and I are forced to shift into human form which was a lot more painful then the actual shift.

"Okay where do I begin. It's better to talk to all the high ranks at once eh." She smiles. She offers us all tea to which we all decline. I take a seat on the floor next to brandy while Aiden sat on the couch playing with his hair.

"Okay to begin I'll tell you the myth that has been going around for centuries." We all lean in to hear the feeble lady. "There has been a tale going around for centuries that there were two brothers. One with the powers of a god and the other with the skills of a guardian. The brother Basin, has the powers given by a god. He controlled the Earth. He had the powers to control the elements. It was said that he would use his powers to save the planet from global destruction when the time came. But it was never proved true when the only noted descendant of Basin perished. This god had the presence of a midnight Wolf. The powers are believed to be gone forever.

  Now the other brother Xoren, he was made for his brother Basin. He was made as the guardian, the lightkeeper you could say. He looked after his brother while his brother looked after the world.  He had a gift from a god himself. The power of a seer. He saw what his brother needed to repair. It was in his visions." Her eyes met mine and I knew she was referring to me.

  "Brother Xoren disappeared in the later years leaving his brother defenseless. A century later Basin found a new seer. Selensia. She was a tiger shifter. She had the powers of a telekinetic. She became his protector where she later adopted him as her younger brother. Soon after she was killed, Basin died from a fire started by a witch coven.  

  It is said that when the tiger unites with the descendant of Basin, brother Xoren will arise and take his rightful place as seer.

  The hymn goes like this; Ignite the flame, unite brother Dame, and watch the world blossom yet again."

  My breathes hitches. "Dame...that's my wolf's name."

  She smiles knowingly. "It's not a coincidence dear, you are destined to be with Brandy for the rest of your lives. You two together must protect the world from its own destruction." I avoid the gaze of everyone and instead focus on my hand.

  "Wait you said Basin's sister was a tiger shifter and had the powers of a telekinetic?" Luna start chimed. She look deep in thought before her eyes glossed over.

  Elder Valle grinned knowingly at our Luna. "Am I..?"

"Yes you are Luna darling. You are his safe keeper. You and Zyren are his keepers. If something shall happen to Zyren then you just take his place as light-keeper."

  "Is that why I've always felt a connection with him even though he's not my biological brother?"

  "That's exactly it darling. The same with you Zyren, you felt the urge to protect him in he forest didn't you?"

  "Well yes but-..." she held up her hand silencing me.

  "No buts child. Now we must talk about your new powers."

  "Powers?" Brandy squeaks. "A lot of this is making sense but powers! I've always felt home sick when I'm not around Star but I didn't think this was why. Do I have to accept it?" Brandy rambled. Aiden groaned and smashed his lips to his mate, completely silencing him.

  When he pulls away, Brandy's cheeks are stained red. "I'm sorry continue." Aiden is smirking.

"Now as for you beta Aiden, you are the flame."

Just like that, the ball was dropped.

Hello Beautiful Beautiful  People!@Chocolatebutterpie here, I hope everyone is enjoying spare me beta so far. I am just here to wish everyone an amazing day and hope everyone is staying safe during the pandemic. Remember to wear your mask and don't be a Karen! I love you all!

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