Chapter 4

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Waking up to the smell of bacon instead of my mate was like a knife to the heart. Trying not to dwell on what happened between my mate and I,  I get up and stretch. Following the delicious smell of bacon, I see Star in the kitchen slaying over a hot stove.

I rushed to her side when she tried to reach for a pot in a cabinet and almost slipped. Catching her in my arms quickly I stare wide eyed at her. "Are you okay Star?" I place her back on her feet and she waves me off.

"I'm fine Aiden just a little off balance. This little rascal is extra feisty today." She goes back to cooking but I stay behind her at the island to make sure she's safe.

She finishes the bacon and pancakes while humming to herself. I can't help the grin that spreads over my face as I watch my Luna move gracefully through the kitchen.

She places a plate in front of me filled to the brim with food. "Thank you Star this looks delicious." She kisses my cheeks then her eyes start tearing up.

"Your welcome." Full blown tears were falling from her eyes. Panicked I called Xavier down through the mind link.

"Xavier, Star is crying help!"

Less than a minute later he comes bounding down the stairs towards his crying mate. "What's wrong princess?"

She pointed to me accusingly. "He said my food looks delicious." We both stared at her appalled. That's what she's crying for?!

"Um okay that's good right?" Xavier asked cautious. Who can blame him, his pregnant mate just cried cause I called her food delicious.

Her cold gaze snapped to him. He flinched. She suddenly smiled handing him a plate of food. "Eat up baby." Quickly complying he rushed to the seat next to me, scared for his life. She gave me a stern look to, to which I quickly started eating. She smiled satisfied.

"She scares me." I mind link Xavier. He quickly looks at me then focus on his plate.

"Me and you both Aiden, me and you both."

   Star fixed herself a plate taking a seat at the island. We all silently ate savoring the delicious taste of bacon. "Aiden we have training today, are you okay to lead." Xavier asked cautiously.

   Looking up they both watched me worriedly. "No it's okay I'll lead. I'll just go home to shower and change. Thank you for the breakfast Luna."

  I stand up putting my dish in the sink and kissing Star on the cheek. I give Xavier a man hug then leave out the door.

I hop in my car driving to my house. I grab some training clothes, and take a quick shower. Stepping out, I shake my wet hair out my face. As I look at my self in the mirror I wonder what went wrong. My pale blue eyes now dull and lifeless.

Taking a deep breath I run a hand through my hair attempting to tame the nest to no avail. Heading to the training grounds I shift taking my clothes in my mouth.

As soon as I got there I noticed a familiar scent. I shifted back throwing my shorts on not bothering with a shirt since I'll be taking it off anyways.

"Okay everyone were going to be working in partners today so partner up!" I say loudly. Everyone rush to pick partners.

"Beta Aiden will you be my partner?" A young girl ask. I grin at her which makes a crimson blush appear on her chubby cheeks.

"Of course sweetie." I hold my hand out for her and walk to the center of the circle that has created. "What's your name?"

"Addison but people just call me Addy." She said shyly. Her little body tucked into my side.

She's cute, her being shy is adorable. You don't see many girls like her in this pack. "Everyone your going to practice in your human form sparring with your partner."

I see Brandy partnered with a boy around Addy's age glaring at Addy. Smirking I decide to get my revenge for what he's done to me.

"Come on sweetie." I tug her hand and tell everyone to start while I take Addy to an open spot.

We circled around each other waiting for the other to make a move. Finally she charged at me, I quickly grabbed her tiny waist hoisting her over my shoulder. She yelps when her body connected with the ground. All the fighting ceased and they watched as the pup whimpered in pain. Seeming to have landed on her elbow.

Worriedly I helped her up checking for injuries. Her arm was a little bruised but no other injuries were sighted. "Never charge first pup, always let your opponent make the first move."

She's nods getting into position. I take my stance then start letting the punches fly. She dodges all my punches fairy well. We both stop out of breath. "Your fast I'll give you that. But straighten out your form."

I didn't realize that everyone stopped to watch us. I put my hands on her waist trailing it across her body to straighten her out. A loud growl came from the crowd. Smirking I continue to help Addy with her position.

    Her cheeks turned red as I adjusted her fist. "Keep your body tight, any open area will draw your opponent to it and attack." Getting in my own position in front of her I raise my fists. "Now hit me."

   She swings at me but I dodge throwing at punch at her. A quiet whimper sounds through the crowd causing me to snap my eyes to Brandy that had his eyes set on me worriedly. Too distracted by my mate, I felt a stinging pain on my jaw from too much exerted force. My vision blurred as my body hit the ground with a thud.

   Addy stared at me shocked. "Beta Aiden I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you that hard. I was just doing what you said and-" holding my hand up I silenced her.

  "It's alright Addy I was distracted don't be sorry we are training." Weakly trying to stand up I collapsed back on the ground.

    "Geez girl you can sure hit." She blushed at that. She reached to help me up along with someone else from the crowd, who was also just as shocked that a petite girl knocked down a beta, when a loud roar reeked through the air.

   "Don't touch him!" I squinted my eyes to clear my vision which did nothing, all I feel is sparks coursing through me as I feel my body get lifted up. Instantly I recognize my mate.

   Not arguing I simply comply letting him carry my weight to wherever he's taking me. "Let me help you mate. I'll kill that girl." He snarl the last part.

   I hiss at him. "Don't touch her! She's a pup." Moaning at the pain in my head I allow my eyes to close when I feel a soft material under me.

      "I'm here for you mate."


Spare me beta [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя