Chapter 6

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Brandy POV

   Artemis pops open my passenger door plopping herself down. She gives me a 'spill it' look. "So are you going to tell me the real reason you are on house arrest?"

  I sigh. I should have known Artemis would have figured it out. She's a smart girl, one reason why I am so hooked on her. Putting the keys in the ignition I start my car, in my rearview mirror I see everyone else following in their cars.

   Thinking back to what happened, a whimper leaves my mouth. My lip quivers as I realized I may never be with my mate.   A hand rubs my back soothingly. "It's okay Bran you can tell me, I won't judge."

  Taking my eyes off the road I look to my friend and nod. So I told her everything. She listened not Interrupting until I finished.

   When I did I look to her after parking in the garage. The first thing she does is slap me in the face hard. My head jerks to the side, she storms out the car with tears in her eyes.

    What I did was terrible, even my understandable friend thinks so. The worst part is, I don't even remember anything that happened. My wolf told me what happened, something took over us both and we were powerless. I wipe my eyes of the tears before getting out the car. I walk through the garage and tell everyone to meet me in my room. They all agree and brush past me upstairs as I head into the kitchen.

  Walking past the living room I see Star with Alpha Xavier and Aiden watching tv. But what stops me is that Artemis is hugging him while silent tears slip down her cheeks. Rage burn in her beautiful eyes.

  "Artemis?" All eyes snap to me with disgust, except for Aiden and Star. His eyes look to my cheek where there is, no doubt, a red hand print on my cheek.

     He gently pushes her away and cautiously takes a step towards me. He looks at my cheek and reaches out to inspect the bruise. I shiver as sparks ignite on my skin when his finger tips brush my skin.

   "Does it hurt?" His voice seem deeper and gruff. Is it possible for a voice to get even sexier.

   I shake my head, his intense gaze on my face as his eyes scan my body for any injuries. My cheeks burn, I look down to avoid the heated glances of everyone. He steps back making me whimper.

  His eyes hold sadness as he takes another step back. Subconsciously I reach out for him. "Mate..." when he flinches back I don't miss it. Mate is scared of me.

  Aiden steps back by Star grabbing her hand and squeezing it like his life depends on it. She looks at me then at Aiden and fix her glare on me. "Artemis here tells me you have a project to work on, why don't you go do that."

   She wasn't asking me, she was telling me. I open my mouth to object when Alpha Xavier growls. "Listen to your Luna."

   "Yes alpha."

  I bow my head and dart upstairs. I stop mid-step when I hear Artemis. "I'm sorry that happened to you Beta Aiden, I'll set him straight for you."

  I hear a deep chuckle from my mate, the sound sending shivers down my spine and a tingle in my belly. "Oh goddess Kid please put down the knife."  I hear more shrieking before I finally have enough and storm the rest of the way upstairs.

   Everyone is in my room with posters and lots of Art supplies on the ground. "Finally dude what took you so long?"

  I grunt taking my laptop and sit on my bed with it. "Complications, now lets get started." They don't argue and we begin. A little while later Artemis comes in, her cheeks red as if she has just been caught doing something wrong.

  "Glad you could finally join us sis, what have you been doing?" Apollo's raises a brow at his sisters flushed face. He gives her that 'brother' look and she cracks.

  " I was helping Luna Star and Beta Aiden make cookies for the pack." She takes a seat next to Zyren who springs up with Apollo.


Just like that they run out my room and down the flight of stairs. Artemis avoids eye contact with me as she follows her brother out. I sigh walking out behind her and to the kitchen where the boys are sitting at the island eating all the cookies.

  I take a seat next to Zyren and rest my head in my hands. All I hear is the sound of the boys shoving cookies down their throats and Star as she moves gracefully through the kitchen with her oversized belly.

    Aiden is handing her things from a high self so she doesn't risk her or the baby's safety. He has a cookie in his hand, his pink tongue slicing across his lips as he takes a bite of it. I can't help but stare at the way his jaw flexes, the stubble now growing on his tan face. His curly hair falling into his eyes. Those very beautiful eyes. I don't miss the way his eyes dart to me before they cast back down. He's beautiful, I can't help but admire the sexiness that is my mate.

     A cookie is roughly shoved in front of my face. "Bran do you want a cookie because you are kinda drooling at the one in Betas hand." I glare at Zyren and wipe my chin that actually does have drool.

   My cheeks heat up as I realized I was caught ogling my mate. I look to my mate who now sported a sexy smirk. His arms crossed, his huge muscles flexing in the thin shirt.

  "I'm not sure that's what he was drooling at." Artemis cackled. She looks at me then at Aiden and only smirks.

  Apollo then takes the chance to look down and decides to embarrass me for life. "Dude did you just get a boner for a cookie?


  Stepping out freshly clean and boner free, I throw on some basketball shorts and grab my shirt in my hand. Everyone is in my room, now full after demolishing cookies. They are all either researching for our project or working on the poster.

   I sit next to Artemis on the bed where she has my laptop in her hand. A knock at the door pulls our attention. "Come in." I call.

  My mates head pops in with a sheepish grin on his sexy face. "Uhm...Luna Star made lunch for you all, she sent me here to bring it."

  He walks in with a tray of sandwiches and tater tots. He places it on my nightstand, his arm brushing mines. "Thank you beta Aiden." They all say.

   My eyes meet him for a brief second, and I could swear something crosses in his eyes. "Thank you Aiden." I hear them all gasp as if I just jumped off a bridge.

  Aiden looks just as confused as I do. We share a confused glance then look to the two shocked boys. "Y-You just called Beta Aiden by his name!"


Realizing what I did I go to apologize to Aiden but he only chuckles. We all look at him as he heads back to the door. "He can call me whatever he wants." With that he winks at me and leaves out the door.

   I stared at the door gobsmacked. "Well that was..." Before Zyren could finish I grab a sandwich off the platter and shoved it into his mouth.

  Silenced by food.

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