Chapter 20

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A tug in the pit of my stomach pulls me from my mate. The idea of a shower with Aiden no longer seemed appealing.


I feel his presence pacing around the house. It's time. I slip from under my baffled mate and walk to my brother. It was as if I was in a trance.

'There is a storm brewing'

The voice whispers to me. Its tone like a soothing melody lulling me to the seas. It was hypnotic, I want nothing more than to hear it speak to me all day. The closer I got to my brother the more my body ached for him. His wolf called out to mine for our first task.

As if an eternity slipped by, I reached my brother whom stared at the darkening clouds. "There is a storm brewing, my god." As if his body would not allow anything but, he gets on one knee and bows. His arm over his chest and his eyed flickering gold.

Basin has arrived.

The voice tells me that it is meant to be sunny but something has happened that has shifted the winds. There is a fire brewing under my skin alighting my veins an icey blue, the feeling of calmness washing over me.

I feel the presence of my mate behind me and with the flick of my hand, i bring him to his knees. I feel the markings crawl upon my skin and take its place on my arms as my eyes roll in the back of my head.

I am sure to anyone else, it may look as if I am possessed but I know the truth. Looking to the heavens, I see nothing but darkness but with Dame as my seer I know just what to do.

"There will be no more! Be gone darkness!" My voice seemed ten tones deeper as I bellowed to the sky. Lightning shot from my palms followed by a sprout of water as I commanded the sun to come out. I felt the beams pulling the rain clouds farther and farther away revealing the hidden sun.

As the final rain clouds make their exit, the adrenaline I once felt seem to have vanished. My body began to sway as I still felt the electricity crackling through my body, almost as if punishing me for using it. I screamed in pain when I felt a jolt of electricity attack my rib.

Then my lungs.

Then my heart.

The last thing I see is Zyren taking control once again and catching me before I plummet to my death.

The last thing I see is Zyren taking control once again and catching me before I plummet to my death

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"That's not your decision to make!"

"It's dangerous and you know it! How can you even allow this! What kind of guardian are you?"

A loud roar rumbles the very foundation the house stands on. A hand comes down and smashes into his face. Then another that sends the beta tumbling down the stairs.

The lightkeeper brings his hand forth and an invisible force releases from the guardian, with a flash of light, the beta was in his grasp. He choked out, scratching his throat in an effort to ger oxygen into his lungs.

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