Chapter 12

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Clutching the steering wheel I pull off on to the road. Artemis hand clasps around my thigh for support. My grip doesn't loosen as I focus on anger blurring my vision.

  "So are you just going to ignore my question?"

A low growl erupts from my throat causing everyone to go silent. Right on time I pull up in front the pack house and leap out the car. I can feel my anger beginning to take over my body. Walking towards the woods, I run and shift mid air shredding my clothes.

  I head the boys shouting after me but the only voice I catch is Artemis's soothing voice telling them to leave me be. My heavy paws thud against the damp ground. The previous day it had rained almost the whole day. The moist soil catching in my long claws.

  Green and a flash of brown blur past my eyes reminding me that fall is coming to an end and summer will be arising soon. I stop at the edge of the forest where my sisters old house lies.

  This is always my go to spot when I'm feeling lost in this world. It all began here. She took me in after I came to her for help. She promised she'd come back for me when she could take care of us both but she couldn't find us.

  Until I followed my instincts and found her. Taking careful steps inside the deserted house I see dust covering the furniture that's now covered in white sheets.

  Heading up the stairs into my old room I revel at the scent of my once innocent self. Not one of my belongings are in sight except for the old bed that I enjoyed claiming as mine.

  Across the hall into Star's room her old comforter and pillows still rested on her tiny bed. Jumping on top of the bed that lacked dust, I circle a spot until I find a comfortable position.

  I intake in her strong scent and bask in the familiarity that comforts me. How I've missed my sister. Closing my eyes I drift to sleep knowing I'm safe in my own home.


   Waking up to the dark would usually make any one panic, making them think that they missed something important. But not me. Lazily stretching out my wolf bones I let out a yawn.

Heading out of the house I pull the door knob to close the door and began to make my way back to the pack house. The night is quiet, not a wolf or animal in sight. That's odd usually the pups are out on their night retreats with the elders.

  Back at the pack house there aren't many lights on. Most members are most likely asleep. Is it really that late? Instead of shifting back I just head through the doggy door they have installed for times like these.

  The first thing I see is Star standing with her arms crossed over her chest and an angry glare on her face. "Brandy Elise where the hell have you been!" I cringe. I sometimes wonder if my mom was drunk when she named me.

  She bends over with her giant belly and lift me up by the ear and toss me onto the couch. Talk about momma bear strength. 

I give out a tiny whine and roll onto my stomach with wide eyes. She sighs and scratches my belly. I tried to prevent my leg from shaking with delight but of course that doesn't happen. She tried to stifle a giggle but unfortunately that doesn't work.

  Sitting up I lick her belly. My niece or nephew will be here soon and I can't wait to meet them. She smiles softly and ushers me upstairs. "Up to bed baby brother you have training tomorrow." She kisses my fur and hobbles into the kitchen.

I head into my room and shift back. I throw a few sets of clothes into my duffel bag and my necessities. After showering I throw my bag on my back and lock my door.

  I go in alpha and Luna's room to say goodbye when I see they already are asleep. Alpha Xavier senses me and wakes up immediately alert. When he notices me he lays back down but still watches me carefully.

  I place a kiss on my niece or nephew and one on my sister. I tuck the blanket under her chin and say goodbye to alpha. "Goodbye alpha I'm heading to Aiden's."

  "Be safe brandy."

With that I depart to my mates house. The drive there was quick. Inside I toss my bag in his room and my shoes and crawl into bed with him.

His arms immediately tighten around me. "Where were you little mate?" I turn in his arms so my eyes meet his closed ones. I began to trail patterns on his biceps causing him to smile sleepily.

  "No where mate. Go back to sleep." One peck from him and he's in to a deep sleep snoring like a pig.


"Where were you last night?" Looking up at my mate who was busy licking jelly off his fingers, I sigh.

  Putting down the knife, I put his sandwich in his bag along with his god awful beer. His arms encircle around my waist gaining my full attention.

  "It doesn't matter Aiden."

He pulls away and cross his arms. Those dark eyes stare down at me, scrutinizing my every move. "It does if it means your going to have the entire pack worried if their beta female has gone missing."

My breathe catches. Had the whole pack been worried I was taken?  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry anyone." Handing him his lunch I take my bag and began to walk to the door when a hand grabs me and pulls me back into a chest. A very hard chest.

  "Why can't you just tell me where you were."

I shrug looking down. "Because it's not important." I can't tell him I'm holding on to a fantasy that no longer exists for me anymore. It would just worry him and that's the last thing I want him to do.

His arms drop to his side. "Is there someone else?"

  "Oh god no Aiden! I would never cheat on you." How could he even think something like that. I could feel my wolf wanting to be a smartass so I quickly cut the link before he could finish the first word.

    I turn and throw my arms around him. I want him to know he's the only one I ever want and need. He doesn't ever need to feel like I would cheat on him. Pressing my lips to his, I throw my all into the kiss. I want-no need him to know that he means the world to me and I'm bound to him for life.

   He responds almost instantly, wrapping his hands around my waist while mines entangle in his hair. He pulls away when his friend starts to get hard. "I'm sorry little mate, I should have never assumed." Smiling softly I peck his lips.

   "It's alright mate, now let's go we have to get to training." He groans and look down, softly cursing under his breath.

  Chuckling I rub it to make it go down but he grabs my hand with a glare. "Come on Aiden I'm tryna make it go down."

"We're both boys B, you know that doesn't work." Blushing deeply I look down.

  "Right I forgot."

  So he decided to take a cold shower then we finally headed out to training.

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