Chapter 28

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"Push it through!"

"I can't!"

"Push it now!"

"Stop fucking yelling at me!"

Thrusting my hands forward, I blast him in the back gaining a painful scream in response. A blast emits a bright blue ray and the force holding us both becomes too strong to hold. I release my hold and fall to my knees.

"Zy let it go or it will kill you!"

"No I can do it!"

A purple aura surrounds the field and closes around us. My bones shift involuntarily as Star aims her bright beams at Zyren. "Aghhh!" With one final thrusts, energy bursts from his palms and hit the target with brunt force. Zy drops to his feet and chuckles.

"I did it. We did it!" Star, Zyren and I share a glance and break into fits of laughter. Star has a brilliant smile on her face as she pulled us both into a hug. I took a breath of relief.

As I look at Zyren, I notice blood spilling from his nose but he seemed fine. "Zy, your nose." His brows furrow in confusion and he touches his nose.

"Oh shit." He chuckles and all seemed well until his eyes roll back and he suddenly faints. I quickly catch him and haul him over my shoulder. He needs to rest. The voice makes its appearance at the best and worse times. Always seeming to have the answers. There was too much power.

"I think I know what we are doing wrong." Star says. We walk into the pack house and everyone bows as we pass. She leads me upstairs to his room where I carefully put him on his bed. "We are using Zyren's energy blast and charging him up but it is too much for him. You are more powerful than him, you can handle our charges."

"How did you-" Star cups my face and offer me a small smile. "I hear the voice too little brother."

Tears well in my eyes. "I know it is too much for him but he has to know how to protect everyone if something should happen to me." I rant. Words spew out of my mouth but a harsh slap silences me. Star gently wipes my tears and pulls me into her arms. Tears wet her shirt but still she holds me and gently caress my growing locks of hair.

"Listen to me! I will not let that happen, y'hear me. We will fight until out last breath if that's what it takes."

"I can't let you do that sis, you have a baby girl now and she needs her mother." Thinking of my niece, the little bundle of joy who brings a smile to my face. She is being quarantined in the hospital nursery until she can fully shift human. It would kill me to take her mother away.

"I will fight by you until the end. I am not letting my daughter grow up without knowing her crazy uncle Brandy." I chuckle with a sniff. My face has become puffy and red. I nod repeatedly and pull my sister in tighter. "I love you sis."

"I love you puff." I chuckle at the ridiculous name she gave me when we were kids. "Now let's go see my baby girl." She loops her arm with mine as we walked to the pack hospital.

"Now you're going to have to help my fat ass down these stairs, pregnancy took a lot out of me." I chuckle and bend down she Star can get on my back.

"You're not fat, it's baby weight and if I hear you say that again and I will blast your little butt." My ear is suddenly yanked. Star bites down on my ear and chomps on it like she hasn't eaten in years.

"Donf you thrweten me." She mumbles harshly. I screamed in pain as she bite into one ear and pulled at the other. She's crazy! I stumble down the stairs as my sister beats me crazy. Her little fist beat at my back but do no damage on my built frame.

"Cut it out! This doesn't even hurt!" This just made her hit me harder.  "Hiya!" Star lets out a war cry and runs at me full speed. Before I can react, her foot collides with my shin. I drop to my knees with gritted teeth.

"Stop it before I tell your husband on you." I get into my pouncing stance but that does not scare my sister. She will scare someone into submission and my god status does not phase her. "I warned you!"

"Xavier!" I charged at Star and heaved her petite body over my shoulder while shaking her vigorously. "Stop it right now young man if you don't want me to toss my cookies." She shrieks.  I bellowed out a laugh at her dismay and enjoy the sound of her agitated profanities.

"Beta Brandy, Luna looks sick now." Analise, a pack mother says with a laugh. She carries a tray of cookies for the pups in daycare. "She challenged me first." I said defensively. It's her own fault for challenging a god, I am not the same little boy she would tickle for answers.

"Luna I'd apologize if i were you." Analise says with a small smile.

Star crosses her arms the best she can and snuffs her nose. "I am Luna, I apologize to no one. He should apologize to me."

I scoff and set her on her feet. We stare eachother down in the ultimate staring contest. "I am a god and I don't apologize either!"

"Want to bet?"

Oh I know she did NOT challenge me...AGAIN. It's on sister. Locking eyes with Star, the last thing I expected was for her to run. Star snatches a cookie from Analise's tray and books it towards the hospital.

You're not getting away from me so easily. I also take one of the large cookies from tray and run to catch up to my sister. "Thanks Analise!" Dam she is fast, I almost lose sight of her but she quickly enters the incubation room and locks me out. She puts on her mask on after giving me a teasing grin.

"Let me in!" She shakes her head and her eyes twinkle in humor. I show her my cookie I stole from Analise and wiggle my brows. Her violet eyes follow the cookie with hunger and desire. I don't understand why she wants another when she has one in her hand.

"If you let me in this delicious, large, chunky chocolate chip cookie will be yours." I tempt. Slowly she opens the door but before I can squeeze through the crack, she snatches the cookie and my hope of seeing my niece. The door slams shut and Star's obnoxious laughter rings in my ears.

"Honey don't be mean, let him in." Xavier says from the room.  There is a long groan followed by Star opening the door and sarcastically gesturing me to enter.

I grab a mask and gloves to protect my little butterfly from the nastiness of the world. Better safe than sorry. Xavier gently cradles her and rocks her back and forth. "You two are something else, I can hear you bickering from across the house." Xavier whispers with a chuckle.

"She started it!" I say quietly.

"I did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did n-"

"Do you want to see your niece or bicker with my mate." Xavier jokes. I smile and hold my hands out for her. He carefully places her in my arms and leads me to a chair in the corner.

"Hi little one, it's your uncle Brandy. I have a surprise for you." I admire her peacefully sleeping, her chubby cheeks that carry the deepest dimples I've ever seen. She has my sister's fair skin and curly hair. Her brown tendrils fall onto her little face and I find myself cooing at her.

Seeing as she was born midshift, she has to stay in the incubation room until she can transform. A little white tiger tail wraps around my arm. I take one glove off and hold her with the other. My powers sit at the surface of as I sprinkle a mist of flowers above her in a pink and red shower.

While her eyes remained closed, there was a smile on her face. Deep dimples rest on her cheeks and I find myself smiling. "Guys she's smiling!" Is she supposed to do that at three weeks?" I was beyond excited. Xavier and Star watch me with amusement as I let her wrap her tiny hand around my finger.

"I love you Alara Jurné Matthews."


Here's a fun chapter showing the brother-sister bond of Brandy and Starlet. Next chapter we will see more of Aiden but Spare me Beta is coming to a close! Love&Respect @Chocolatebutterpie

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