Chapter 11

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    A groan of content pulls me from my daze. I shake my little mate awake. "Little mate you have school in half an hour." He only groans and bury himself deeper in the blankets.

   I chuckle then standing up. I gather some of his clothes he left here and toss them on the bathroom sink for him to shower. Sneakily I creep up on him and smack his bottom hard. He jumps awake with a shriek. I did tell him to wake up.

   I grin and usher him to the bathroom all while he pouts. "You have school now get your cute butt in there and shower." He pouts then a sexy smirk adorns his face.

   "Only if you join me." He winks, this kid is making it so hard for me to control my urges. Looking away I shake my head.

   He frowns but nods nonetheless. He brushes past me, his fingers brushing my pulsing groin. Glaring at him playfully I shove him into the bathroom and close the door. I can hear him laughing on the other side. That kid is going to get himself into serious trouble.

     I go into my closet and throw on some clothes. Catching sight of myself in the mirror, I see a small wolf that resembles Brandy's wolf with his name in cursive.

   A knock pulls me from admiring my mark. Skipping happily down the stairs with a large grin on my face. Artemis is the first I see then her twin brother and the other guy whose name I have yet to remember.

    "Come in guys. So what can I do for you today?"

   "You seem to be feeling much better today Beta, any specific reason?" She raises a brow at me with a smug smirk. I shyly smile then shake my head.

   "No not really, can't a guy just be happy?"

   They all look at me and grin when they see my mark on my neck. "Oh really because judging by the mark on your neck I would say something happened." Her brother grins.

  Brandy soon comes down the stairs looking sexy as ever. Perfect timing. "Speak of the devil." The other says sarcastically. One look from them all, especially Artemis, has him running back upstairs.

    "Get back here young man!" She runs upstairs and comes back down holding him by his ear. "When we get to school you better spill all the beans." She threatens.

    He looks to me pleadingly but I look up whistling casually. "Mate get her." Artemis shoots me a glare that is almost as bad as Luna Star's.

     "Sorry little mate but I don't really want to die today." His mouth dropped. He winces trying to pull away but her grip only tightened.

     I lean down and pressed my lips to his softly. "Be good at school little mate. Your going to come back to my house after right?" I ask curiously. I have gotten used to sleeping with mate. It would be unbearable to sleep in a cold bed with no one to cuddle with.

   "Yes I am definitely coming back." He winks at me with a sexy smirk. He begins to follow them out when I slap his bottom hard.

He yelps, giving me a playful glare. "See ya later." I close the door and sigh in content.

Until later little mate.


Whispers break around me, no one hiding the surprised looks on their face. More murmurs and jealous glares bore into my head causing me to shy into Artemis, who glared back at the everyone with an even more hateful glare.

'He doesn't deserve our Beta'

'What a fag'

'The Beta is too good for him'

'Dam he's gay, I guess there goes my chance'

I feel my face flushed as my friends rush me into the building, away from everyone's angry and confused stares. The burning in my cheeks and the tears that burn in my eyes.

"Babes don't cry okay, they're just jealous of our future beta female." Artemis coos. She rubs her hand down my back in soothing circles.

I nod falling into her arms as we all walk to class. "So dude, you are our new beta female huh?" I grin at Zyren's smirk.

"Sure am, that means I'm the boss." I smirk as his grin drops and a scowl rest on his face.

"I order you to carry my books." He growls snatching the books out of my hands. Apollo snickers. "And Apollo."

His head snaps to me and he tries to run. Keyword: tries. Zyren grabs the back of his shirt, preventing him from running away from my evil demands.

I smirk evilly, beckoning him forward with my finger. He gulps with wide eyes. He slowly takes a step forward. When he was close enough I yank him forward by his shirt and bring my lips to his ear.

I whisper something in his ear and he scowls marching away. "Lunch is on Apollo!"


  "I'll take the number nine and a large coke with a extra large fry." Everyone else gives their order and stand aside for Apollo to pay.

    "32.86  sir."

He makes a grunt of disapproval low in his throat and hands the man his bills. His grip on the money is tight as the cashier attempts to pry it from his hands.

   "Sir you have to let go of the money."

He pouts finally loosening his grip on the money. The cashier mumbles something that we all can obviously hear, causing Artemis and Zyren to snicker.

Once we have our food we take a seat at a booth in the back. After a moment of silence I feel a tingle burning from my mark. I clench my fist to stop the pain from blurring my vision.

Someone is touching his mark.

"Brandy you okay there?" They are all staring at me with uncertainty. It was then that I notice the blood gushing my bloodied palms from my claws that extended.

I don't say anything and just exhale, trying to reign in my wolf. A soothing voice rings in my head instantly calming my raging wolf.

"Relax little mate it's just Luna star she was making sure I was well."

As soon as he mentions my sister I calmed. "Little mate I can feel your anger without the bond. I'm all yours no need to get worked up."

Pink tints my cheeks and I look down shyly. "Your blushing now aren't you." My cheeks get even redder. How did he know that?

"Shut up." Last thing I hear is a booming laugh before the link cuts off.

"Was that Beta Aiden?" Artemis asked with wide innocent eyes. She is anything but innocent in this case. I nod and clear my throat. Artemis grabs a napkin and began to clean the blood off my palms like a soothing sister would. I give her a grateful smile and a small kiss on her hand as a way of saying thank you. I then continue to eat despite their judging stares burning into my head.

"Your completely whipped." I glare at Zyren in attempt to burn holes in his head but of course that does nothing but make him smirk triumphantly.

I grab my tray to dump it and motion them along. "Let's go losers we have to get back to school." They follow along and we all hop In my car for the drive back.

"So B." I turn to Apollo then back to the road. "How's the sex?"

Shocked I loose control of the wheel which cause the car to swerve into the other lane. Quickly regaining control of the wheel I pull off to the side. They all looked scared shitless. My fist are clenched at the wheel.

Artemis stiffens which her brother immediately notices. They are twins after all. Sensing something is off he decides to ask the question I been dreading answering.

"Did something happen between you two?"

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