Chapter 1

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I watched as he peacefully slept. His arm draped across his naked chest, slight  snores coming from his mouth. Gently tracing my finger down every inch of his abs, I licked my lips preparing to taste those lush lips of his.

    "Aiden!" My head shot up as my best friend and Luna bolted to me. A bright smile lit Star's face as her and Brandy took a seat across me. She slid in the booth smiling at me.

   I smiled at her my eyes going to brandy. His muscles looking extra tight in his fitted white shirt. Quickly shifting my gaze to star I smiled. "Did you ask him?" Star asked as she lightly played with my fingers across the table.

  Nodding I hand her the note Xavier gave me. Reading over it she smiles. "Yes, he said it's okay to use it tonight." Squealing she hugs me kissing my cheek.

   " I'm going to start getting it ready, you boys hang out here." She hugged us both bolting away. We both chuckle at her. Brandy shakes his head at his sister watching her walk away with an adoring look in his eyes.

   "She's more excited than me and I thought it was my birthday." He tsk calling a waiter over. We order our food and make casual conversation while we eat.

   "So." He stops eating to listen to me. "Are you ready to find your mate tonight?" I smirked at him, the kid is gonna find his mate before me. It'll be worth it though to see the unlucky girl who has to tame this beast.

   He shrugs casually. "What if I don't?" I stop mid chew watching him closely. My fork dropped with a clank. He jumped his eyes falling to me.

  "B, this is a once in a lifetime chance to find the woman your destined to spend your life with. Don't think so negative about it. Think of it as a possibility to meet the love of your life." I ramble. He raise a brow holding his hands up in surrender.

   "Okay dude I will, just don't go all sentimental on me."

  Shaking my head at the kid we finish up and head out after paying. Going to my house we head in my room. It's been two years since star and Xavier proclaimed the alpha and Luna titles, as well as brandy coming to live with star.

The moonlight pack won the war against the hunters. There hasn't been any threat since we were known to defeat one of the most ruthless packs around. Every pack is now frightened to take on our pack and instead wants an alliance with the moonlight pack.

Brandy stretched out on my bed throwing his shirt and shoes off in the process. Chuckling I hand him one of the PlayStation controllers taking one for myself and laying next to him. Throwing my shirt off as well.

   "Dude I think it's so cool how you live alone. Don't have to follow any ones rules." He looks over at me and puts on a pout that I find quite cute on him. Wait what am I saying?

   "Well when you turn sixteen tonight you can come live with me if you want. So no more pack house for you." His eyes lit up. I don't know why I offered him to live here, maybe it was out of friendship that I want him to live here.

   "Really? Bro that's awesome!" He pulled me in a hug. Our bare chest coming in contact with another. I pulled away patting his back.

    "No problem." I grinned at him getting back to the game. We were playing COD and he was kicking my ass. Truth is I was letting him, there was something about when he looked at me with that winners gleam in his eyes. It did something to my insides.

    "I won!" He jumped around like a happy go puppy. Laughing at my friend I faked pout. Giving him sad eyes.

"Not fair you cheated!" He smirks tackling me to the floor landing on top of me. His legs straddling my waist as he tickled me.

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