Chapter 31

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They danced around and drop to the ground in a fit of giggles. Brown hair cascade down their tiny bodies and stop to their legs. White dresses cover them making them look like the little angels they were. They shared bright blue eyes courtesy of their papa. Flowers were handed to me and they plopped down in my lap and admired the bright light in front of me. I played with their soft curls and hummed the gentle tune gifted from my love. 


"Yes my love." Her little hand traces the stubble on my cheek then tucks the little flower in my long locks. 

"Why aren't you waking up?"

My brows furrow and I pulled them closer into my lap, afraid that if I blinked for a second they would be gone. I can't lose them to. "Wake up?"

"Yes daddy." Bella starts.

 "Your dead." Rory finishes. 

I am dead?

"Its time to wake up now daddy." Their little hands cover both of my eyes and I find myself falling away from them. The harder I tried to get to them the further away I got and before I knew it, they were beyond reach. 

"Girls come to me please!" I cried. I was losing them and I was powerless to stop it as darkness takes over the once bright field where my babies laid. They wave one final time to me with smiles as they faded into the darkness. I was alone again. 

I felt like I was floating, almost swimming in darkness. My girls were gone, Aiden was gone, my family was gone. A bolt of energy burst shocks me and again..and again. Is this what death feels like? A never ending torture of electrocution. Darkness disappears around me and it feels like I am being pulled under. What is happening?


Just as I feel myself succumbing to death and anticipating the idea of being with my mate at last, a gasp pulls me back. Mate is alive. Brandy springs to life almost as if he was a fully charged battery on a mission. "You took my girls from me!" He shouts. Everyone ducks down as a blast surrounds the field and the green shifters lay dead at our feet. Not even the death of them can stop my mates rage as he screamed over and over again and smash his fist into nearby trees. "Aiden do something!" There was no way I wanted to get in between my mate and his wrath but I had to protect him before he harmed himself. 

I tackle Brandy and pull him into me while trying to avoid his enraged fist who are fighting me. "They took them from me!" He cries. "Where are they?" I coo my mate and let him bang his fist into my chest until he calms and slumps in my arms. 

"Who little mate? Who did they take?" The pack admire my mate with pity while I freeze when he mentions our girls. "Arabella and Aurora."

I turned him so he can face me where I see his cheeks puffy with stained tears. "You saw our girls?" Tears began to fall from my eyes and he nods. "They were so beautiful Aiden. They sent me back!" He cries more and buried his face into my chest. 

A deep breath leaves my mouth and I smile at the pack who looked more than relieved to see Brandy alive. Lifting him in my arms, I walk in the direction of the pack. "Victory is ours!" The pack cheers and surround us in a defensive circle as we walk back to the pack house.

"Oh my god Brandy!" Xavier is the first to run to us. Xavier and I have been friends for over a decade, since we were toddlers and never once have I ever seen him cry. Even now as he holds his babygirl in his arms, he surprises me with a tear stained face and more tears falling from his eyes. "You saved my babygirl little brother. I have never been more terrified in my life and I know a thank you can never repay you for your sacrifice but thank you. This means more to me than you know." 

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