Bonus Chapter Pt 1

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A small cry wakes me from my half sleep slumber. I rush down the stairs where he was holding her in his arms and gently rocking her back and forth Her chubby cheeks were stained with tears but he cries died as soon as he brought her into his arms. A smile makes it way onto my and I finish the painstaking walk towards them. He instantly smiles and puckers his lips goofily for a kiss. 

I chuckle and kiss my mates pouty lips and take over his position. "How is she?" I take her in my arms and rub her back that I know for a fact is aching. Her little body curls around me and her soft snores remind me of just how precious she is to us. "She's in a lot of pain Aiden, it's almost time."

I sigh. "We owe her so much little mate. I hate hearing her cries in the middle of the night." Brandy smiles sadly. He heads into the kitchen and I follow him after setting Artemis on the couch with her blanket wrapped around her heavily pregnant frame. "I do my best to take away her pain. Our girls powers are emerging now."

"You can do that B?" 

He nods. We begin preparing her lunch which consists of a fruit bowl and grilled chicken with a side of steamed carrots. I was always envious of the meals Brandy prepares for her, she eats better than we do but she is worth it. "Their powers are connected to ours and with Artemis close to her due date, I've gained the ability to harness their powers until they are of age." 

"You never cease to amaze me little mate." Brandy smiles cheekily and I gave him a quick kiss. We set her food into bowls and bring it out to her where she is now sitting up and rubbing her swollen belly. She hums a nursery rhyme with a smile on her face. 

"Hi babygirl, we brought your lunch." Her eyes light up and she reached her little arms up antsy. I set her food down on her tray where she digs in immediately.  She suddenly jumps and we both reached out to her. She smiles and grabs both of our hands to place on her tummy. 

"They are kicking!"

A tear falls from my eyes when I feel them really going in. "Hi little ones, its papa." I feel them kicking harder at my voice and a sob gets stuck in my throat. Brandy is full on crying and he drops his head onto her belly. "Hi babies, daddy needs you to behave just for a little while." The kicking softens and for the first time in a very long time, Artemis looks at ease.

"Can you behave for mama Artemis?" 

There was a bolt and I flinch back from the excruciating pain running up my arm. What the hell? "You two behave, your hurting mama Artemis. Daddy and Papa love you very much, you can torment us when you are born but for now we need you to be good little babies." Watching my mate talking to our babygirls remind me just how much of a great father he will be. 

Artemis sighs in content with a grateful smile. "Better?"  She nods and hugs us both. "Yes thank you Brandy, how did you know?" He looks at me and I subtly shake my head. She can't know, it will only make her worry. 

"Had a feeling. Eat up babygirl, we will be upstairs if you need us." I kiss her on her cheek and take Brandy's hand in mine. Once upstairs he starts to strip in front of me and turns with a sneaky smirk. 

"Care for a shower my love?"

Does he have to ask? 

"Always little mate."


"Aw hell no! Stop cheating little mate." He scoffs and pushes me to distract my upcoming victory. The wheel drops from his hands and I smirk at the turn of events while triumphantly accepting my win. He pouts but grins. "Rematch?"

Oh it's on! 

I restarted the match and proceeded to hand my mate his ass again. I loved watching my mate smile, the erratic beating of my heart constantly reminding me of just how much he means to me. "I love you little mate." I drop the wheel and take his face in my hands then proceed to pull him in for a heart stopping kiss. His brows furrow but he grins nonetheless. 

"I love you too Aiden and I know our girls will love you just as much as I do." 

Our foreheads pressed together and I felt content hearing his erratic heartbeat. His scent bringing a sense of calm over me. No words could describe how I felt in this moment with my mate in my arms. In a short amount of time, he had stolen every bit of my heart and now after two years, I still felt as if i had more to give him. 

"Hey!" We jump apart when we hear Artemis's cry. Sprinting out of the room, we find her halfway up the stairs holding her belly with one hand and the banister with the other. "Come help my fat ass up these stairs dammit!" I sigh in relief and share a chuckle with my mate. 

False alarm!

Brandy snickers and lifts her in his arms with ease and carries her up to our room. I peel the covers back and he sets her on the bed where I tuck her in. I sit next to my mate on the bed and we hand her a controller. "Care to get your ass kicked momma?" 

Uh-oh. One thing I learned while living with Artemis and Apollo is--they hate losing. Brandy has no idea what he is doing challenging her, that girl is a beast. I hold my hands up in surrender, its all on him now. But when loses to her, I will not be there to comfort him. She was scary before she was pregnant and now she is ten times scarier. 

My mate has his game face on and as soon as they start a new game, Artemis lets out a war cry. I run my hands through my mates curly locks with his head in my lap. Our family was almost complete, only a few more weeks and it will be. 

These last two years have been the happiest of my life, I found new friends who have become brothers and sisters to me and my saviors. Zyren, Artemis, Apollo, I didn't know I was missing them in my life until they became family. It was all possible because my mate loves everyone and I love him. 


Side note! Just to clarify, Aiden's parents are not in the picture, the Matthews, whom are Xavier's parents are more like his parents. It never occurred to me to write parents into this story because I wanted to highlight his relationship with Xavier and his parents in book one. Many facts are not clear so I will be clearing a few things up now for most frequently asked questions. Star is black and Brandy is not, he was adopted when he was three (book one).  This chapter was set two years in the future where Brandy is graduated and is eighteen. Aiden is 21 at this point and so is Star, Xavier is 22. There will be a bonus chapter pt 2 and possibly 3. Enjoy! 


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