Chapter 18

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I sat in my room with my knees up to my chest. After nearly losing my sister  we all walked solemnly back to the packhouse where I ran up to my room and barricaded myself inside.

Words cannot express how I felt at the moment. I just moved a lake with just the wave of my hand and it frightened me.

  Once the pack heard of what happened to their luna, they all became uneasy and on high alert.

"Brandy please open the door." I yearned for my mate but I couldn't shake the fear bubbling in my stomach.  Something took over me at the lake and it frightened me, I feared that I would hurt him.

I am god of nature, I can control it.

I took a deep breath and rose from the position I was sat in for the past two hours. After stretching my stiff joints, I sighed in relief.

My eyes searched around the room before I found what I needed. I grinned and readied myself. My hand shot out as I tried to lift the orange juice from the glass.


Frowning, I try again only for nothing to happen.

Don't try to hard. Just let it flow through you.

Following the soothing voice, I relax my shoulders and let my hand drop to my side. With my werewolf hearing, I zeroed in on the still liquid sloshing in the glass.

A smile rose to my face when a stream of orange juice rose in a snake like slither out of the glass.

That small action was all I needed to know that it can be controlled. Slowly lifting my finger, I pointed it at the liquid and watched as it followed the movement of my finger.

"I did it!" I couldn't help but shout in joy.

"Little mate?" Aiden sounded from the other side of the door. "Open the door," He sounded panicked.

  Quickly unlocking the door, it is swung open and I must step back to avoid being hit. Aiden eyes me wearily and embraces me when he sees I am unharmed.

"You scared me little mate."

"I'm fine Aiden. Check this out." I turn to the glass and slowly lift the liquid. He stares completely amazed.

"That is amazing Little one, how did you learn to control it so fast."

I thought about telling him of the voice but something told me it was a bad idea.

"It just kind of came naturally to me, I guess." I chewed on my bottom lip in deeo thought.

  "Well then you are a true god."

If only he knew...


I watched as it crashed down onto the large rocks, it whispered to me as if singing a lullaby. The water was calmer now, it seemed to know how I was feeling. My moods. My thoughts.

  The water moved with me. I laid my palms on the grass and let the water slither up my arms. It made its way across my body but I wasn't wet, my clothes remained dry.

Aiden is making his way to me, the powerful feeling I once felt was now gone and so was the water. It was almost as if it was never there. I frowned at the empty feeling.

Arms wrap around my torso bringing me to Aiden's height. A laugh escapes when he peppers kisses on my face. My heart thumps loudly in my chest when his lips come down on mine. His sweet taste invades my senses. He bites down on my closed mouth making me whimper and open up for him. He shoves his tongue in roughly. Somehow we end up on the ground where he hovers over me.

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