Chapter 30

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I was helpless as I watch the demons surround my mate and drain the last bit of life from his lifeless form. The Shifter king absorbs Brandy's lightning and let his body drop to the ground with a loud thumps. Long claws drag down my already scarred back as they make me watch my mate bleed out and lay in a pool of his own blood. 

No..this isn't how it was supposed to end. We were supposed to complete the mate bond and adopt little wolf pups. Two girls, and they were going to attend his college graduation and be cheering him on with their homemade posters that they dumped glitter all over. He is not dying today, not as long as I am breathing.

"NOW!" I expel all the energy I possess, not caring if it killed me and blast my dead mate. Hold on my love. Zyren thrusts his hands forward and let out a painful scream and crumbles to his knees as Brandy's body absorbs his energy like it was the last bit of water in the world. Star joins in and aims her plasma blast at Brandy who still remains unmoving. 

We got you little mate.

Two hours earlier (Brandy POV)

You are not meant to survive. It has been an honor serving you my lord.

'Thank you for helping me fulfill my destiny, I will not let anyone die on my watch.'

Brandy, you have been my most memorable host and I will eternally grateful for all that you have done for this world. They will never know what you sacrificed for them. 

'Is there a possibility that I can pull through this?'

There is a two percent possibility that you will but I cannot promise that your guardians will survive. 

'I don't like those odds. Let's just keep this between us then, okay?'

Yes my lord. 

I watch Aiden sleep peacefully and enjoy my final moments with my mate. His long lashes frame his chubby cheeks and covers part of his freckles speckled over his nose. I pepper kisses all over his face to savage what I can before its too late and his eyes flutter open to reveal those beautiful green eyes I am obsessed with. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" Aiden smiles and brings my face down to his to share a much needed kiss. 

"I love you little mate." 

My hand grazes his stubbled face and I take it to memory, I want his face to be burned in my mind and nothing else. His eyes close as my fingers trace his beautiful features leaving my fingers burning to the very tip. Long lashes frame his face and I always told him how envious I was of his natural lashes. Unfortunately I was not blessed with healthy lashes and look like a bald chicken but Aiden never seemed to mind. 

I will miss him telling me I looked handsome no matter what, the smile he always had on his face no matter the circumstances, his wolfs beautiful silver coat, and the way he always hold me at a kings standard. A tear falls from my eyes then another and before I know it, I am full on sobbing. Aiden wastes no time in pulling me on top of him and gently wipes my tears. No words needed to be spoken, we sat there in silence until my cries were drowned out my Aiden's soft humming. 


I felt him leave the bed and as much as it pained me to do so, I let him go. He needed some time alone without me being obsessive. But I am still very selfish--rising from the bed after a much desired nap, I stretch and strip myself of my clothes to join my mate in the shower. He had twenty minutes alone and that was more than enough alone time, stepping inside the steam filled bathroom, I placed a hand on my mate shoulders thus startling him.

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