Ch 1

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"I'm never going to get off of this island!" My foot kicked at the snow in front of me but it only resulted in the bottom of my boot flying off. I had been stuck on this island for two years now after the cargo ship, I was traveling on was sunk by pirates. Thankfully it was a seasonal island so I only had to tolerate the harsh cold for part of the year. Though now that my boot was destroyed, I would need to repair it before my toes started to develop frostbite.

"I guess I'll head back home, there doesn't seem to be any animals to hunt today... At this rate, I'll starve before spring arrives" When I washed up on shore here it was the middle of a harsh winter and I thought I'd be dead before the week ended but to my surprise, there was a small cave at the center of the island that kept me sheltered from the elements. My only problem now was the food supply was growing scarce and if it didn't change, I'd die. "These boots are done for I can repair them but the cold will still reach my feet. Damn it!"

It was a sad thing to admit but I knew I was going to die on this island. Whether that was in two days or two years it was going to happen eventually and there was nothing I could do to stop it. "I guess it's my fate to die here"


Hawkins' Pov

"Captain Hawkins! We are approaching the island" Without taking my eyes off of the cards in front of me I replied to the crewmate. "Prepare the ship to dock, I'll be there shortly" There was something on this island that won't remain for much longer if I took too long. "It's not certain what is present on this island but there's a 75 percent chance I'll find it. Hm, how interesting"

"Make way for the Captain!" As I made my way to the awaiting row boat three crew members joined me before we headed for the island. This island wasn't listed on the maps we had on the ship but the cards pointed the way here. "Which way do we go, Captain?" I didn't need to consult the cards as I felt a strange aura coming from farther inland. "This way"

As we continued walking forward, I started shuffling my cards until a strong wind blew one out of my hand. The wind carried it a few yards ahead before it landed at the opening of a cave. "Whatever we're searching for is within this cave... Stay on your guard men" My cards were placed somewhere secure before my hand moved to rest on the blade that rested on my hip.

There wasn't any noise other than our footsteps but as we turned the corner my foot connected with a mass that I couldn't make out due to the lack of light in the cave. "I need some light" As a crew member lit a lantern for me the previous unknown mass became visible. "A girl? She's cold to the touch. I have what we came for let's return to the ship" This had to the thing I was supposed to retrieve and there was no other reason for my card to lead me right to the cave where she was hiding. "Here Captain cover her with my cloak"


Back at The Ship...

"We'll have to bathe her before I'll be able to give her a proper examination Captain" The girl didn't appear to have bathed for months or even years but that island was isolated so she could have been there for years completely alone. "I'll bathe her. Find a change of clothing for the girl to wear" Taking the unconscious girl into the bathroom I stripped her from the torn rags she was wearing and started cleaning her up.


An Hour Later...

"She has a slight fever and is very malnourished but she'll make a full recovery in no time. Will she be joining the crew, Captain Hawkins?" I wasn't sure of what I was going to do with the girl yet but the fates wanted us together for some reason. "Perhaps... Move her into my bedroom so I can keep a closer eye on her"

"As you wish Captain"


(Y/n)'s Pov

A Few Days Later...

When my eyes popped open, I expect to be greeted by the darkness of the cave but instead I found myself staring at a wooden ceiling. "Where am I?" I only remembered falling asleep when I returned to the cave. Could this have been a dream? "What is your name girl?" It took me by surprise to hear another person's voice but as I turned my head, I could make out a blonde that was playing solitaire or something behind a desk. "You know it's quite rude to ask someone for their name without giving yours first?"

"Hawkins... Basil Hawkins" This Hawkins guy didn't take his eyes away from the cards in front of him as I pinched my arm to see if it would hurt or not. "Ouch... Wait it hurt that means this isn't a dream!" If I wasn't in the cave anymore then where was I and who the hell changed my clothing? "Are you the pervert who changed my clothes!?"

"Yes, I am the person that bathed you. Is there a problem?" How could this guy act so casual about this? "You never told me your name girl" My eyes were narrowing at him but I was interrupted by a knock at the door before a man walked in with a tray in his hands. "Your lunch Captain Hawkins... Oh, hello new girl it's good to see that you're awake"

"Give it to her I'll eat later. When are we scheduled to reach our next destination?" As the tray was placed on my lap the lid was taking off as a mouth-watering meal was put on display in front of me. Though to make sure the creep didn't bother me I shouted a quick reply over to him before I started eating. "I'm (Y/n)... Just (Y/n) no last name" It had been so long since I had a properly cooked meal that the tears were running down my face at the deliciousness of the dish. "Why were you on that island (Y/n)?"

"I was shipwrecked there two years ago... Why did you save me, Hawkins? I thought that fate wanted me to die on that island but then you showed up" He responded right away with his calm demeanor and ever-present frown on his face. From the looks of it, this guy has never smiled in his life. "Our fates are intertwined now (Y/n)... The cards told me to head to that island and I listened to them. I was meant to find you"

"I highly doubt some silly cards told you where I was. If you could drop me off at the next island, I would appreciate it I'd like to get back to living a normal life again" Hawkins didn't give me a response right away instead he started to shuffle a deck of cards before he started to stick them onto some type of string or something. "Your chances of getting off this ship at the next island is only 12 percent (Y/n)"

"Oh really? Well, I've been trapped on an island for two years so getting off this ship should be easy... I'm still hungry is there any more food I can eat?" I'm sure I could manage to get off this merchant ship once we docked, most islands in the North Blue had a few Marines on the island so if these merchants gave me any trouble the Marines would protect me. "I'll have someone bring you something else. One more thing (Y/n) you'll be sharing this room with me until I can find somewhere for you to stay. This ship is limited on living quarters, unfortunately"

"What!? I'm not sharing a bed with you!" I had already been violated by this man once and now he was going to force me to share a bed with him. "Your quite loud (Y/n)" Who was he calling loud? I tried to stand up to comfort him but once my feet touched the ground I crumbled to the ground. "You've been asleep for the past few days you shouldn't get out of bed so quickly"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Crawling towards the door I reached up to the doorknob though before I could grab it something wrapped around my waist. Looking down I recognized what it was but it only confused me further. "Straw?"

Following the material, I saw that it connected back to Hawkins who hadn't moved from his desk. After I was placed back on the bed his straw untangled from me before he started to speak. "(Y/n) you are to stay on that bed for the time being, is that understood?" I refused to look at the man as I turned to face the wall. "Jerk... What kind of merchant ship is this anyway?"

"This isn't a merchant ship (Y/n) you're on a pirate ship. The Hawkins Pirates to be exact"


End Chapter 1

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Where stories live. Discover now