Ch 15

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**A/n: I forgot the reader asked Hawkins out already but just assume she drank too much and her memories got screwed up**


Hawkins' Pov

When I had finished in the bathroom I returned to (Y/n)'s side before I allowed my eyes drifted across her sleeping form. (Y/n) was much quieter while she slept though the girl would still occasionally kick at me in her sleep if the room became too hot. "How can someone so small cause such trouble?... Goodnight (Y/n)" Once the girl was safely pulled against my chest, I pressed my lips to her forehead for a single second before I leaned back to stare down at her. "I love you Haw..."

As the girl continued to mutter to herself, I rubbed circles along her back. "Hm, I love you too (Y/n)" While I recounted the night, we spent together at the bar I was beginning to hope that in the morning the girl would be too hangover to cause me any trouble. Though knowing (Y/n) she's most likely still find a way to bother me. "Goodnight my dear. May your dreams be nothing less than sweet"


The Next Morning...

"H-Hawkins, everything hurts please make it stop... H-How come your not dying in bed with me?" The morning had started off just as I predicted it would though for the moment being little (Y/n) wasn't being her normal loud self. "I'll have the infirmary send some medicine but you'll most likely have that headache for the rest of the day (Y/n). As for your question though I'm not 'dying in bed with you because I didn't drink half of my body weight in alcohol last night"

"Y-Y-You're the one that kept buying me drinks Hawkins. Did you take advantage of me while I was drunk last night? Stupid Captain Hawkins... I don't want you here go away" How peculiar even in her hungover state she could still insult me without a second thought. "If that any way to address your partner (Y/n)?" As I finished my sentence I watched as the girl turned her head to stare at me though she didn't look impressed. "What the h-hell are you talking about Hawkins?"

"Last night you asked me to be your life partner and I accepted. Do you still wish to engage in a relationship with me (Y/n) or did you say something you shouldn't have in your drunken state?" Something must have clicked in the girl's head since (Y/n) almost immediately changed her tone as she spoke again. "W-We're like a real couple now? Oh, shit you fucked up Hawkins! Hahahah. Now you're stuck with me forever! Ahh, can you find me some medicine, Hawkins?"

"Certainly, my dear. I'll go retrieve some personally so you don't have to wait long for it. You just stay here in bed until I return" As I leaned down towards her side, I placed a quick kiss on her forehead before a bright blush slowly appeared on the young girls' cheeks. "H-Hawkins you can't just kiss me. Go away and don't come back unless you have my medicine" I couldn't allow the girl to suffer from her hangover all day but I also knew she'd still be in pain for the remainder of the day. "As you wish (Y/n)"


10 Minutes Later...

"My apologies for keeping you waiting (Y/n) but I couldn't locate the medication by myself. Here you just need to take two of these then you should be able to sleep for the rest of the day" When (Y/n)'s body rolled over I could see she was trying to cope with the pain but those tears told me the girl was reaching her limit. "Just sit up for me (Y/n) so you can swallow these pills. After that you should be able to fall asleep within thirty minutes" She didn't offer me a verbal response but (Y/n) did open her mouth so I took that as a sign to put the pills into her mouth.

"Would you like me to remain by your side until you fall asleep (Y/n)?" It took her a minute to swallow her medicine but once the girl was done, she started to nod her head. "H-Hawkins... do you really think it was fate that brought us together? 'Yawnnn' I know you said it was the cards that brought you to the island but I have my doubts"

"Everything is connected (Y/n) and whether or not you believe that doesn't make it any less true... I didn't always put my faith in it but over the years it's become my life... (Y/n)?... Hm, goodnight my dear I'll return later" As much as I wanted to remain by her side, I couldn't since there was still some business, I needed to finish first.

"Captain Hawkins! How is little (Y/n) does she need anything?" My crew was always loyal towards me but when it came to (Y/n) she had them wrapped around her little finger and could somehow get them to do anything for her. "She's asleep so inform the rest of the crew to remain quiet. I don't want (Y/n) to wake up since that will only cause her more pain"

"Understood Captain. The log pose will finish setting in 43 hours" That was longer than I wanted to be on this island but it couldn't be helped. "Was the ship restocked as much as possible? The Grand Line is unpredictable and I want to be prepared for it. I'll be leaving the ship but if (Y/n) wakes up please inform me immediately. She doesn't like waking up alone"

"Should we post a guard outside of her room just encase she wakes up before you can return Captain?" That medication (Y/n) took was quite strong but the person could still wake up if there was enough noise around them. "Yes, but as long as things remain quiet, she shouldn't awake. I must be off now" Before the crew member could further delay my day, I walked away though stopped to retrieve some Beri from the reserves.

"Did we forget to pick up something Captain?" As I was handed a large sum of Beri the crew member in charge of the reserves began to inquire about my withdrawal. "No, I'm going to buy (Y/n) a birthday present. I'll return within a few hours... Do you have any suggestions as to what I should get her?"

"I'm sure Miss. (Y/n) will appreciate anything you give her. What did she gift you, Captain?" Hmm, I never did open her present but maybe we could exchange gifts together once she was better? "I have yet to open her gift though your right maybe something will speak to me while I'm out"


An Hour Later...

"This will be perfect... How much is this item?" (Y/n) was worth every Beri I had and as long as she smiled when the gift was opened, I would be satisfied. "You have quite the eye, Sir. That item is one of a kind and is currently priced at one million Beri. Is that within your price range?" Hm, I didn't have that much on my person but I wasn't leaving this shop without it. "My apologies though this is the end for you"

"Ahhhhhh!" As my straw wrapped around the shop keepers throat, I watched the life drain from their eyes before they eventually stopped moving. "How unfortunate... (Y/n) will surely enjoy this gift. I should get back to the ship before she awakes" With the gift in hand I started looking for a small bag to carry it back to the ship in though it didn't take long before that task was complete.

"There now all I have to do is give it to her" As I held the gift in my left hand I started walking out of the shop before heading back towards to docks but my movements were halted as a sharp pain started to form in my wrist. "Hm, that's strange... That only happens when... (Y/n)'s in danger" Without waiting another moment I picked up my pace as I continued back to the ship.

Sure, the mark was connected to (Y/n) but this didn't necessarily indicate the girl was in physical danger since I had already experienced this pain when she was having a nightmare or even if she rolled off of the bed in the morning. "Captain Hawkins welcome back! Did you find a gift for (Y/n)?"

I ignored the worried looks of my crew member as I practically ran towards my bedroom to check on the girl I left there. Though as I got closer, I took notice that there was no guard posted and the pain in my wrist was growing worse by the second. As my foot connected with the door it was thrown open but I was not prepared for what laid behind it.

"Get off of her right now. This is your only warning but either way I'm going to kill you for touching what belongs to me"


End Chapter 15

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Where stories live. Discover now