Ch 11

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A Few Hours Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

After Hawkins had officially ruined my day, I decided that I would make him do all the work while I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. "(Y/n) what exactly are you doing?" My eyes never left the wooden ceiling but I did reply to Hawkins. "Staring at the ceil" Apparently the man didn't like that answer very much since he walked over from his spot across the room to come bother me.

"Get up (Y/n)" Reached my hand back I pulled a pillow towards me and over my head in an attempt to ignore the man further. Though when a heavyweight appeared on my hips, I grew curious about what it could be so took a look. "Ah, Hawkins why are you sitting on me? Your quite heavy, be gone peasant" When his body lower against my chest I tensed up but didn't say a word as his eyes stared into mine. "It's time to get up (Y/n). The men need to move this bed to the other ship" As the heavyweight disappeared from my body, I was left with this phantom touch even though the man was gone. "W-Where we going Hawkins and why can't I stay here?"

"It's dinner time my dear. Aren't you hungry?" When I took too long for the man's likely he picked me up before tossing me over his shoulder and headed for the door. "I'm not a rag doll Hawkins. Put me down!" As we continued down the hallway, I noticed we weren't heading for the dining hall but instead Hawkins walked out to the deck before I was placed down on the ground as a plate was handed to me. "Make sure to finish everything on your plate (Y/n)"

"Shut up Hawkins! I'm not a two-year-old!" Hawkins needed to start showing me some respect if he wanted me to remain on his ship. "Faust take some men and start carrying the rest of my belonging to the other ship. Also, take (Y/n)'s as well but be careful not to damage any of it. She'll throw a fit if you do" Sticking my tongue out at Hawkins I watched as he returned inside the ship while I continued eating my meal but something didn't feel right. Taking my plate, I decided to look around the ship though it appeared to be clear skies. "Hm... Maybe it's noth- What's that out there?"

Picking up the nearby telescope I focused on the small dot on the horizon but I almost didn't believe it. "Oh no... All hands-on deck! There's a Marine ship approaching!" As the telescope was pulled from my grip another crewmate confirmed it was indeed a Marine ship before he retreated inside to retrieve Hawkins "Don't let them sink my ship. If they get too close fire the cannons at them. (Y/n) come over here where you'll be safe" I would have denied his order but the look in his eyes left no room for debate. "Why are the Marines here?"

"It's not the time for asking questions (Y/n). Stay behind me unless I tell you otherwise"

"C-Can't I do anything to help?" I had these devil fruit powers so why not put them to good use instead of just sitting here. "You can help by staying out of the way... I'm sorry (Y/n) but the risk of you getting injured is too high" My head moved to rest against the man's back as I let out a huff though Hawkins wasn't affected. "Hawkins your so mean. I don't see why I can't fight the Marine to" Fighting with the Marines wasn't on the top of my to-do list but I wanted to try and be more helpful to the man. "Did you ignore what I just told you (Y/n)?"

"No, I took your feeling into count Hawkins though I don't have to listen to you. I'm going to fight some Marines whether you like it or n-"

Hawkins' Pov

Since the girl was light as a feather, I had no problem lifting her unconscious body into my arms. "Captain would you like me to take Miss. (Y/n) inside the ship where she'll be safe?" I thought about it for a second before slowly handing (Y/n) off to the awaiting crew member. "Remain by (Y/n)'s side and keep her safe. This fight won't last long"

"Understood Captain Hawkins!" Once (Y/n) had disappeared within the ship I turned to face the approaching Marine ship. Though I found it odd there was only one ship visible. "Faust, can you see any other vessels approaching?" When the mink replied he didn't see any I became wary as I sent a few men to continue moves our supplies to the new ship. If we needed to retreat or at least put some distance between us we needed to be ready to set sail. "Ensure you retrieve (Y/n)'s items first. I'm not dealing with another tantrum from that girl"

I knew from experience that Marine ships usually didn't travel alone so where were the other ships waiting. As I took my cards out of my pocket, I had Faust keep watch as I worked out the odds of more ships arriving. "There's an 86 percent chance that other Marine ships will join this fight. Prepare to abandon this ship. Are the prisoners all accounted for?" When Faust nodded his head, I send the order to bring (Y/n) back onto the deck. "We're you able to transport her items?"

"Yes, Captain! We managed to grab the last of your items as well" I didn't bother replying to the man as I turned to retrieve the still unconscious girl before I gave the orders to abandon ship. "How long before that ship's cannons are within range? I do not wish to engage in a fight today if it can be helped" As my men disembarked our current vessel I watched as my flag lowered before it was carefully taken away. "Let's go my dear it's only a matter of time before the Marines start firing their cannons at us"


(Y/n)'s Pov

A Few Hours Later...

"(Y/n) it's time to wake up... (Y/n)?" As some rude person started to shake my shoulder, I popped my eyes open but quickly closed them again when I saw it was only Hawkins. "... Wait a second! You fucking knocked me out, Hawkins! How dare you!" I was tangled up in the sheets but I didn't let that stop me from giving Hawkins a piece of my mind. "Language (Y/n). This might be a Pirate ship though I still expect my crewmates to have some manners. Here drink this it will make you feel better"

When a glass was held to my lips, I started to glare at Hawkins but this man refused to leave me in peace as he tilted my head back. "You need to drink this (Y/n). I'll let you go back to bed after if that is what you desire" Taking the cup from Hawkins' hand I tried a sip to make sure it was safe but when I realized it was only juice, I finished it off before handing it back. "Are you going back to sleep (Y/n)?"

Closing my eyes once again I readjusted my covers before I gave the man a reply. "Yes, don't bother me Hawkins" When a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, I knew it was Hawkins but I didn't have the energy to fight with him at the moment. Though I did turn to face the man as I noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. "Hm... I like your ink, Hawkins. Was this one painful?"

Tracing my fingertip along his neck I was curious about the tattoo that marked it. I didn't know many people with tattoos but the throat had to be a sensitive area, right? "No, it wasn't painful (Y/n)" As my hand pulled away from the man's skin, I rested my head against his chest while asking him one final question. "Do you regret it?" His hands were still for a moment but they soon started rubbing circles along my back. The soothing motion allowed my body to calm down as my eyes completely shut. Though before I drifted off to sleep, I heard Hawkins' response. "Life's too short to have regrets"


End Chapter 11

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