Ch 2

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"T-This is a-a pirate ship?" When he confirmed it was, I began to panic a little bit. Pirates were ruthless individuals and if I angered the Captain enough, they'd throw me overboard. "I do not wish to harm you (Y/n). You will be safe on this ship, that I can guarantee" Slowly turning to face Hawkins I noticed that he was staring right at me. "Stop staring at me its creepy"

"As you wish" Once Hawkins returned to his cards, I couldn't help but continue to stare at him every now and then. When a second tray was brought into the room I ate in peace until the tray was empty. "Are you satisfied (Y/n)?" I wasn't hungry anymore but I still needed to find a way off of this ship. Hawkins may have said that my chances of getting off of this ship at the next island were low though I was determined to at least try. "Yes, I am satisfied with the meal. Can I leave this room?"

I might as well try and scope out my surroundings since I'll need to know my exit route when the time came. "Go ahead the crew will not bother you. If you get lost someone will direct you back here" Hm, he was being reasonable. Without saying anything in return I headed for the door and walked out into the hallway. "Alright, which way should I go to find the deck?"


A Few Hours Later...

Hawkins' Pov

"(Y/n) it's time to come inside" The girl had been gone for some time and I knew she would be getting cold soon. Though when I left my cabin, I never expected her to be trying to pick a fight with my men. "I'm not going to stay on this ship!" I didn't like loud people and this girl was already giving me a headache. "Captain Hawkins, should we put her in a holding cell?"

"No, I'll deal with her... (Y/n) stop this nonsense immediately" When she turned to me her eyes were narrowed but it didn't last as my hand gripped my blade. "Ah! He's going to kill me!" This girl was quite an interesting one, if the fates wanted her on my ship then I would have to learn to tolerate her. "Death is not upon you today (Y/n) go back inside the ship"

(Y/n)'s Pov

"If you're not going to kill me then why is your hand on your sword and why does your sword have a cute thing with a hat on the end of it?" This man was confusing and damn I hated that he didn't show any emotions. "Are you sleeping on the deck (Y/n) or would you like a warm bed to sleep in?" I didn't trust this guy but it won't be a good thing to freeze to death on the deck. "Where are you sleeping?"

"In my bed" That tone he used was starting to piss me off, how come he couldn't at least put in some emotion to his tone? "I'm not sleeping in the same bed with the likes of you!" Sure, Hawkins was the one who saved me but he was still a pirate and for all, I knew he just wanted me to be his plaything until he got bored of me. "Don't disrespect our Captain you little whore!"

"Enough men, (Y/n) will be shown the same respect as you show me. She will play an important part in my future someday so be nice to her" His crew seemed a little surprised but quickly started bowing as the man who insulated me tried to apologize. "I beg for your forgiveness Miss. (Y/n)!" Oh great, I was on a ship full of crazy people. Though now that I got a good look at what they were wearing I was starting to think this might be a cult.

"Don't touch me!" When the man tried to grab my hand, I jerked it back but, in the process, I bumped into Hawkins. "You'll get used to it (Y/n)... Come along I'll give you a tour of the ship and on the next island, I'll send someone to buy you some new clothing better fit to your size" I swear this man's poker face was going to get him punched in the face one day. "Hawkins, don't you ever smile? Try not to look so miserab- Who is that?" My mind got sidetracked as a human-sized cat thing exited the door behind Hawkins. "Hm... That's Faust he's our magician"

"Ah so this is little (Y/n)? She's quite a loud one, I could hear her all the way from my cabin" My eyes narrowed at the cat before Hawkins' hand gripped my wrist and started pulling me inside. "Try not to fight my entire crew again (Y/n) you're not that strong and you'd only hurt yourself" Walking beside Hawkins I was fixated on the sword on his hip. It wasn't every day that such a cute figure was on a pirate's sword. "This is the mess hall you will eat your meals here along with the rest of the crew. Down that hallway is the training room"

"You seem convinced that I'm actually going to remain on this ship. Even if I'm trapped on this ship, I'll never join your stupid crew!" Before I could say anything, else Hawkins had turned around and shoved his hand through my chest. "Strawman" As a straw voodoo doll was pulled from my body I dropped to the floor as Hawkins stood over me. "W-What did y-you do to me? Ouch!" My version was growing foggy but I could make out the needle that Hawkins had pricked the hand of the doll with. It was the same spot where my pain came from moments before.

"You will listen to me (Y/n) and remain on this ship. Anything I do to this voodoo will be reflected on you. Now shall we continue our tour?" Glaring up at the man I crossed my arms and didn't move from my spot. If he wanted to threaten me then I wasn't going to do anything for him. He might as well shove a needle through the heart of that doll right now. "(Y/n) are you alright?" I wasn't going to speak to this man again until I absolutely had to. "I shall carry you then... You'll have to speak to me eventually but for now, I'll enjoy the silence"


The Next Day...

"Good morning Miss. (Y/n)! Is the Captain up yet?" I ignored his crew as I took a seat at an empty table but when I did the others in the room sent me worried looks. "Miss. (Y/n) you can't sit there, that's the Captain's chair. Please move before you upset him" So, this was where the creep liked to sit? "No, thanks I'll stay right where I am. He can find another seat"

Once a plate and cup were placed in front of me, I started eating but when the door opened, I turned to see who it was. "Good morning Captain Hawkins! We tried to tell Miss. (Y/n) that she was sitting in your seat but she refused to move"

My eyes briefly met his though I quickly returned to my breakfast before a chair was pulled out beside me a few seconds later. "It's fine the cards predicted that (Y/n) would be difficult today" Hawkins and his stupid cards I should throw them into the fireplace later just to make him mad. Though that really wasn't a good idea. "Here's your breakfast Captain"

"Thank you... (Y/n) is there a reason you pushed me onto the floor last night?" Oh, now he wanted to bring that up. "The bed is only big enough for one person and you were creeping me out" Hawkins was a smart man and knew he'd get an answer from me if he asked in front of his crew. "What do you mean she pushed you onto the floor, Captain!?"

"The jerk got what he deserved! He shouldn't have stolen my soul!" There were some confused looks but it didn't take them long to figure out what I was talking about. "I didn't steal your soul (Y/n) I simply tied your life to a straw voodoo. If you behave, I'll return it to you"

"I fucking hate yo-! Ouch! Stop doing that!" As the needle was removed, he quickly returned the doll into his body where he kept it to make sure I couldn't take it from him, and gave me a reply. "I only ask one thing of you (Y/n) and that is for you to behave yourself. It's not a lot to ask, now finish your breakfast. You will remain inside for the rest of the day, there is death among us today and it's never a good thing"


End Chapter 2

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Where stories live. Discover now