Ch 28

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Sometime Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Are you sure this is a good idea? Hawkins doesn't like when I drink" I was planning on just having some water but Faith had insisted I had vodka. "Shut up (Y/n) and drink the shot" Under different conditions, I might have listened to her although I didn't think it was worth the risk with what had happened with Hawkins. Besides drinking shoe polish wasn't my favorite activity. "I shouldn't be drinking I could be pregnant" Saying that was the truth but Faith's eyes immediately went wide like she'd been stabbed in the gut. "You could be what?"

"Yeah, me and Hawkins did the thing earlier" The words came off my lips without hesitation although maybe I should have broken the news in a better way. For Hawkins' sake at least. Oh well, it was too late now to take it back. "Fucking bitch... Can I get a glass of water for the bride?" Soon a glass was placed in front of me but I didn't move to take it as Faith's husband tried to calm her down. "Relax dear you're overreacting"

"Shut up Doflamingo I deal with your stupid face far too much as it is. Talk again and you can sleep on the couch for the next six months. Do you understand me?" I couldn't understand how this man decided she was the one but it wasn't my place to determine what their relationship was or wasn't. For all, I knew my sister just behaved like this in public, and in secret, she was nice to him.


"Good boy... Now, we have an important night of fun planned and it's only getting started" Faith must have been satisfied since her smile had returned before her lips moved towards her drink. "How do you deal with her? She's bitchier than I remember" Might have been blunt but even as kids she was never this bad. "Don't answer that Doflamingo" I wasn't going to push him to answer although he was already moving to speak despite what Faith had just told him. "Love makes you do stupid things"

"What did I just say!?" Faith was pissed but the lather just smiled before pulling her against his chest. "Relax dear it's alright. Maybe later we'll-"


I wasn't sure what that sound was although when I took a second look there was now a crack in her cup. It hadn't been there a second ago and on a different note, her hand hadn't been touching it. "I'll say it one last time. Talk again and I'll be filing for divorce. Got it?" She was being unreasonable to him so even though it wasn't any of my business I spoke up. "Geez take it easy on him"

"Try living with him and you'd want to kill him too" It was just better to go along with her ideals but when I thought about it again, I realized at times my feelings towards Hawkins would flare exactly like this. "Now that you mention it Hawkins makes me want to throw something at him at least once a day" Of course I wouldn't hurt the man but at times knocking him out was front and center in my mind.

"Faith?" My thoughts were interrupted by Doflamingo but something about his tone made me narrow my eyes. "That's it!" I wasn't getting involved with this however when Doflamingo spoke again I could see my sister pause. "Faith. We need to leave" His tone wasn't any different although when Faith started to look around, I grew concerned. "Why?" She was still looking around and eventually moved to retrieve a knife from her pocket. "The marines are slowly surrounding the building... Sorry brat but my warlord status only protects Faith"

Faith was looking straight at me although allowed her smile to widen just before speaking. "Sick 'em Doffy" I was a little surprised to hear her say that with such joy. It wasn't almost like she hadn't just spent half an hour bitching at the male. "Fufufu. Is that an order?" He was being stupid even I could see that but it must have been payback for what she had done to him earlier. "It's that or you'll never touch me again and I know just how to crave to run your boney hands along my skin. Now hurry up I'll leave once the timing is right"

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