Ch 13

483 19 11

September 9, XXXX

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Wake up Hawkins~ Come on I know your awake~" Our birthday had finally arrived but Hawkins was refusing to keep up and I even spent all morning making him breakfast. "Please wake up Hawkins. I made you breakfast all by myself today and I didn't even burn the toast this time" It made not have seemed like a big accomplishment to most but to me it was. "Has the ship docked (Y/n)?"

"Yes, and the crew is already restocking our supplies as well but the log pose takes three days to set... Sooooo, Faust found this little bar we can have our party at... you'll come won't you Hawkins?" My partner was a very reserved man but he already said he'd celebrate his birthday with me and Hawkins usually kept his word. "Alright, my dear" As he sits up, I retrieved the tray before placing it on his lap. "I made all your favorites today Hawkins I hope you like it"

"Thank you (Y/n). Have you already eaten?" Quickly nodding my head at the man, I climbed off our bed before I went to the closet. "Which outfit do you like better Hawkins?" While my partner was still asleep this morning, I tried to pick out something nice that I could wear at the bar tonight. Though I really liked both of my options and couldn't decide. "Wear the one the right. It will cover more skin and keep wandering eyes from taking notice of you"

"Alright it's decided I'm wearing the one on the left~ Don't worry Hawkins you'll keep the other men away from me" Hawkins didn't give me any noticeable reaction as he continued eating though a little part of me wanted him to show some emotion about the topic. "I'm going to wait on the deck, alright?" Without waiting for a response from him I changed my clothing then left the room. It didn't take me long to reach the deck but when I did, I was surprised when the crew had started congratulating me. "Awe, this is great! You guys are the best!"


Hawkins' Pov

20 Minutes Later...

"Faust did I offender (Y/n) in some way? The girl asked me which outfit she should wear and then went with the opposite one. She confuses me though the crew is to make sure no one even looks at her the wrong way tonight, is that understood?"

"Yes, Captain. Though (Y/n) is a special girl who does random things without much thought so try not to let it bother you too much" As Faust walked back into the ship I was left to stare at the girl across the deck. "Oi Hawkins! Come over here, the crews going to sing us Happy Birthday then we're going to blow out the candles!" My Mink friend might not have been able to give me much insight into (Y/n)'s thought process but maybe with time, I could learn to read her better. "Come on slowpoke! I want to eat some cake!"

"I'm not slow (Y/n) you need to learn to be patient... Shall we begin?"


(Y/n)'s Pov

"I love cake so much~ Hey, Hawkins aren't you going to eat your piece?" When Hawkins shook his head, I found myself a little unhappy that he didn't want the cake. "Would you like my piece (Y/n)?" While I stared at him, I slowly came to the conclusion that he just didn't like cake so began to nod my head. "Are you going to have a drink at the bar later?" If Hawkins didn't want to enjoy his birthday cake that was fine but he needed to have at least one drink at the bar later. "Yes, why do you act (Y/n)?"

"No reason... Thanks for the cake, Hawkins. I'll see you later and remind me to give you that present I made you" When the man didn't stop me, I walked over to the other crewmates before I began to speak with them. "So, (Y/n) what did you make the Captain?" As my finger was held to my lips, I let a smile grace my features before I replied. "It's a surprise~ We're heading to the bar at 5, right?" When they confirmed the time for me, I finished my cake before handing my empty plate over and started for the cabins. "Hawkins I'm going to take a nap! You can watch me sleep if you want!"

That probably came out wrong but I didn't think much about it as the man began to follow behind me. "Isn't it a little early for a nap (Y/n)?" Even though I did like to take naps in the afternoon today was different because I had woken up early to make Hawkins' breakfast but due to that I didn't get nearly enough sleep as I should have. "I woke up at 5 am to make you breakfast this morning and if I want to stay awake later, I'm going to need a few hours of sleep. I'm surprised you didn't notice I left this morning you usually wake up whenever I move"

"You didn't need to exhaust yourself like that. Though the past can't be unwritten so enjoy your rest (Y/n). I'll stand watch and make sure no one disturbs your sleep" Being with Hawkins had its pros and cons but at least he seemed to care about my wellbeing. "Thanks~ I want to cuddle with you as well Hawkins" As we laid down together the man wrapped his arms around me before my head found its way against his bare chest. "Just wake me up when it's time to go... Goodnight"


A Few Hours Later...

Hawkins' Pov

"(Y/n) it's time to wake up" I knew the girl was a heavy sleeper but she needed to get up. "I-Is it time to go yet Hawky?" When I confirmed it was her head shot up almost immediately and it almost connected with mine in the process. "Let's go! Come on, slowpoke!" As much as the girl wanted to leave the bedroom, I stopped her with my straw before I dragged her back to my side. "(Y/n) you can't leave the ship looking like that. Brush your hair then we'll leave"

"Oh, thanks, Hawkins!" As I watched (Y/n) walk across the room she took my hairbrush before she started to make her hair look acceptable. Though as she turned around it satisfied me enough to allow her out of the room. "Hold my hand Hawkins so you don't get left behind" She was a hyperactive little thing but at least the girl was happy. "Men everyone is to keep an eye on (Y/n) and if anyone gets too close to her alert me immediately or neutralize the threat yourself. (Y/n)... don't cause me too much stress tonight"

The girl's chosen response just happened to cause some of the crew members to start laughing at her. "When have I ever caused you to be stressed? Don't say such silly and untrue things Hawkins" I didn't feel the need to argue with (Y/n) so tightened the grip I had on her hand and started walking towards the bar.


Ten Minutes Later...

"Come along (Y/n) and stay close to me" I didn't know the girl's liquor tolerance but based on her age and the fact she was on that island for a few years she probably wouldn't be able to drink much before becoming drunk. As I lead her to a set of barstools, I picked her up and sat her on one then I took the other. "You didn't need to do that Hawkins... What kind of drinks are good?"

"I'll order for you (Y/n) but please don't drink too much I don't want to have to babysit you later tonight" When (Y/n) didn't seem to affect by my warning she began to look around as I ordered her something sweet while I ordered a bottle of sake. "Here you are, please enjoy your drinks" As I watched (Y/n) take a sip of her drink she didn't spit it out so I was satisfied that she liked it. "Oh, this is tasty Hawkins! What does yours taste like?"

"Would you like to try some?" Offering her my cup I watched as she stared at it before she held it to her lips but as she handed the cup back, she made the cute face as she returned to her own drink to get the taste out of her mouth. "That was terrible Hawkins! How did you drink that stuff?"

"It's an acquired taste, my dear... Your drink is gone already (Y/n) would you like another one?" When she nodded her head, I ordered her another one but it was at that point where I began to question myself. "Just remember not to drink too much (Y/n)"


End Chapter 13

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