Ch 14

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45 Minutes Later...

Hawkins' Pov

"H-Hawkins c-come dance with me! Hehehe" As my eyes shifted from the cards in front of me, they locked on (Y/n) who was a short distance away though she didn't look well. I wasn't an idiot and could clearly see the girl was drunk but she was a stubborn one who didn't want to leave the bar. "No, (Y/n) come sit down before you hurt yourself" The girl didn't listen to me and even stuck her tongue out before walking farther into the crowd of people. "Faust go make sure (Y/n) remains safe, I have to relieve myself"

"Yes, Captain"

As I walked towards the restroom, I caught a glimpse of (Y/n)'s smiling face but turned away before entering the restroom. It didn't take me long to finish though while I was washing my hands, I noticed a few men seemed to be having a meeting of sorts. "That drunk girl out there has quite the body, doesn't she? Let's take her back to our ship for the night then after we're done, we'll throw her to the sea kings"

"Are you referring to (Y/n) the Assistant? She's got a bounty on her head, if we turn her into the Navy, we'll gain a small fortune" Hm, so these men thought they could take away my partner. They were pitiful-looking men and they most likely didn't stand a chance against my crew. Though (Y/n) was known to attract unwanted attention so it was best to deal with the threat quickly. "(Y/n) is off-limits and I'm afraid the shadow of death hangs over you this night"



(Y/n)'s Pov

"F-Faust where did Hawky go? I-I need him to buy m-me another drink" As my eyes scanned the room, I still couldn't find my weirdo but thankfully the Mink beside me knew exactly where he was. "The Captains in the restroom (Y/n) he shouldn't be too much longer. Though don't you think you've had enough to drink for one night?" When I shook my head, the room started to spin for a moment though when it stopped, I found myself being held up by Faust. "M-My tummy... I-I want to g-g-go back to the ship"

"Are you alright (Y/n)? I told you this was bound to happen if you continued drinking" When my head turned to Hawkins the man looked quite blurry but as he walked closer, I began to smile through my pain. "Hiccup. H-Hawky there you are~ I-I missed you" I went to wrap my arms around the man but in my drunken state I ended up tripping over my own feet. Though Hawkins managed to save me from hitting the hard ground just in time. "We're returning to the ship. Faust, you may inform the others that they can remain here for the time being... (Y/n) I'm going to carry you back to the ship"

"O-O-Okey-dokey~" As Hawkins lifted me into his arms I began to stare into those crimson red eyes of his. They were truly mesmerizing and I could stare into them forever. "I-I love you Hawkins~ D-Did you enjoy the party?" The man only nodded his head once before he walked out of the bar doors before heading in the direction of the ship. I knew the ship wasn't too far from the bar but the crispy night air was starting to make me shiver. "I-I'm cold Hawkins. C-Can you walk faster?"

"I told you to bring a jacket (Y/n). Here take mine" As his cloak was slipped onto my shoulders, I felt better but I was now slightly worried about Hawkins. "W-Won't you b-be cold Hawky?" When he said it was fine, I calmed down though my stomach was still doing backflips. "I-I think I'm going to be sick. C-Can you put me down?" As the man slowed down, he set me on a conveniently placed in bolder before he started to run his hand down my back. Though as I leaned over my stomach started to empty its contents all while Hawkins made sure my hair stayed out of my face. "Are you finished (Y/n)?"

"I-I think so but I g-got puke on my shoes" As my shoes were quickly removed Hawkins held them in one hand before he picked me up in the other arm. "I'll have someone clean them. Come along (Y/n) and try to relax I'll take care of you for the rest of the night"


Hawkins' Pov

Ten Minutes Later...

As (Y/n) played in the bathtub I watched her from a few feet away to ensure she didn't drown or fall asleep while in there though she was surprisingly active for being a devil fruit user. "H-Hawkins~ W-Will you join me in the tub? It's lonely in here a-all by myself and you look bored over there" She looked over at me with those mesmerizing eyes of hers and I knew denying her request wouldn't be a smart idea as it would only cause the girl to whine. "Alright (Y/n) move ahead so I can sit behind you"

"Okay~ Can you wash my hair for me too? T-There's p-puke in it" As the girl twirled a hair strand around her finger, I removed my clothing before stepping into the tub. "I-Isn't this nice Hawkins? Hehehe. I-I love you with all of m-my heart" I didn't expect the girl to turn around but she did and brushed against my lower regions in the process as she sat within my lap. "(Y/n) what are you doing?"

As she stared into my eyes, I could see the young girl was beginning to cry though this was how (Y/n) usually behaved when she was upset or hurt so I had grown used to it. "H-Hugging you. D-Don't you like my h-hugs Hawkins?" When I wrapped my arms around the girl's body, I brought her towards me while I tried to ignore the position, we were in. "I do find your gestures nice (Y/n) though how about I wash your hair for you before the water goes cold?"

"Hiccup. A-Alright Hawkins, you win~" When the girl didn't move from my lap, I proceeded to wet her hair with a nearby bucket before I started to lather the shampoo into her hair. Though my movements paused as I felt (Y/n) wiggle around before she started rubbing a washcloth across my chest. "(Y/n) please refrain from moving your hips" I didn't want to attempt this girl was arousing me but that feeling within my crotch was unmistakable. "W-Why Hawkins? I'm j-just h-helping to make you all clean"

"Because it's bothersome (Y/n). Close your eyes I need to rinse the shampoo out of your hair" (Y/n) complied with my request but she did have that small pout on her lips that usually symbolized that the girl was upset. "I-I didn't mean to make you mad Hawkins I'm sorry!" After the last of the shampoo rinsed out of her hair, I put in some conditioner before I leaned back against the side of the tub. "H-Hawkins, you need to-to t-turn around so I can wash your back"

Fighting with the girl would do me no good but at least (Y/n) would no longer be sitting on my lap. "Hm... That feels nice (Y/n)" The blood was still pumping through my lower extremities though I'd still have to take care of it once the troublesome (Y/n) was put to bed. "I'm d-d-done Hawkins~ We can get out now"

"Alright just let me rinse your hair again"


Five Minutes Later...

"W-Where are you going H-Hawkins? Y-You can't just leave me all alone! C-Come back to bed!" I had been trying to sneak away from (Y/n) for the last couple of minutes now but she wasn't allowing me to leave her side. "(Y/n) your being unreasonable. I will return in a moment" My problem had yet to resolve itself but the girl laying on my bed wasn't exactly helping the situation much either. "Nooooooo, i-i-if you leave then the mo-monster will eat me"

"What monster would you be referring to my dear?" As her finger pointed to something behind me, I turned to look but it turned out to just be a coat rack. "(Y/n) that is a coat rack... but if you want me to remain by your side then I'll do as you ask" Hopefully the drunk girl wouldn't be awake much longer than I could handle my business in peace without having her protest about it. "Goodnight Hawkins~ I-I love you and..."

As I looked down at the girl within my arms, I could see she was finally asleep. So, ever so slowly I moved the girl onto her side before I headed into the bathroom to take care of my little problem.


End Chapter 14

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