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Hawkins' Pov

"Captain Hawkins I'm just here to inform you that Miss. (Y/n) has left the ship with Faust and a few other men. The girl also asked me to tell you that she loves you very much but ensure you clean all traces of blood off of your body before she comes back to the ship" As my eyes shifted away from my instruments of torture, I took in what the man had told me though once I nodded my head, he quickly excused himself from the room. "Now how shall I punish you for attacking my precious (Y/n) while I was away? She's a delicate girl and your actions could have damaged her beyond repair"

As my fingertip gazed against the blade, I had taken off of the workbench my body turned towards the individual that hung like an animal waiting for the slaughter. "C-C-Captain please just give me another chan-Ahhh!" When the blade pierced his shoulder, I took a step back in order to admire my work. "Refrain from calling me by that title anymore. You are no longer a member of this crew so save your pleas since they fall on deaf ears. Now I'd like my dagger back"



(Y/n)'s Pov

"What do you guys think Hawkins' is doing back on the ship and why would he be torturing someone?" Four crew members had decided to accompany me and Faust during my shopping trip but for whatever reason, they refused to tell me what Hawkins was up to back on the ship. "It's best not to ask questions like that (Y/n). The Captain will tell you when he's ready though in the meantime why don't we get some tea from that café over there?"

"Sure... I don't want anything bitter though" I could hear the men start to laugh slightly among themselves but their laughter quickly died down as we made our way into the small café. "Welcome please take a seat wherever you'd like and I'll be right with you" As we took a seat at a table in the cover of the room, I started to look over the menu that was placed in front of me.

"Oh, I want a strawberry milkshake with a piece of cheesecake~ What are you guys going to get?" They all decided to get tea while Faust just wanted some warm milk though after a few minutes of waiting the waitress still had taken our order yet. "Where do you think that girl went?" One of the guys was going to stand up to look for the waitress but as she came out of the backroom he sat back down.

"I-I'm sorry for taking so long. W-What would you like to order?" As everyone waited for me to place my order first, I couldn't help but stare at the girl's slightly discolored cheek though when my eyes shifted behind her I froze. "Someone call the Captain and tell him that I need him... I'll have one of everything off of your menu"

"U-Understood (Y/n) I'll call him right away" When my eyes returned to the girl, I offered her my hand before I introduced myself. "I'm (Y/n). Who are you?" She looked a little unsure about my question though as some man came up behind her he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Cora don't just stand around like a moron. Go start preparing this fine young lady's order and don't screw anything up. Your request should be filled very soon, Miss...?"

"I'm married" That was a completely untrue statement but I didn't need this ugly cow trying to put the moves on me. "Oh, my apologies Miss my intentions weren't to make you feel uncomfortable. Excuse me while I go monitor your order" When my focus shifted back to the others at the table, I could see some were just staring at me with their mouths wide open. "Since when did you marry the Captain?"

"That was a small lie but that's beside the point when should Hawkins get here?" I knew the man won't take too long though I had a bad feeling that something terrible was about to happen. "He should be here within ten minutes (Y/n)... Wait where are you going?"

"Calm down guys I'm just going to cause a little bit of mischief maybe break some fingers you never know~ Hehehe. When Hawkins gets here tell him I went to the kitchen" As I made my way into the kitchen, I found my target though that scummy male was pressing his lips to her neck. "I suggest you leave her alone before I'm forced to end your life"

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Where stories live. Discover now