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Hawkins' Pov

"Is (Y/n)-ya your girlfriend Hawkins-ya?" Without taking my eyes off of the Marine base located just a few yards in front of us I gave Trafalgar my answer. It might not have been an honest one but I didn't need the younger Captain taking an interest in her. "Yes, she is" As the man remained quiet, I continued staring ahead as I waited for the signal to be given. "That's a real shame... What'd you find her?"

"Pay attention to the task at hand Trafalgar" When a cold blade was pressed against my neck I didn't react as my eyes remained fixed on the base. "Don't try and give me orders. I control you Hawkins-ya after all you wouldn't want me to hurt little (Y/n)-ya now would you?" Swallowing my pride, I looked back at the male before I gave him a response. "At this time, I value that girl's life. Also, to answer your question I found her on an unknown island just on the edge of the North Blue"

"How interesting... Hm, that's the signal. Let's go Hawkins-ya"


(Y/n)'s Pov

"There's smoke coming for the island Faust" I was worried about Hawkins since that Law guy didn't seem right in the head. "The Captain will be fine Miss. (Y/n) he wouldn't have agreed to this if his own life was put in danger" Hearing that put my mind at ease for the time being so I went to join the mink across the deck. "Alright... What are you guys playing?"

"Poker, would you like to join us Miss. (Y/n)?" I didn't know how to play the card game but maybe they could show me. "I've never played before... can you show me how to play?" When they offered me a chair, I took a seat while another crew member shuffled some playing cards. "It's really easy once you get the hang of it. We'll teach you the basics Miss. (Y/n) and since your new, we won't play for Beri"

"You don't have to call me Miss. (Y/n), I'd prefer if you just called me by my first name" Hawkins' crew was loyal to him and respected me because he ordered them to but the moment the man didn't want me anymore, I knew they'd turn on me. "If you assist Mi- I mean (Y/n). Now let's go over the rules of the game"


Hawkins' Pov

"ROOM... Shambles" The ope-ope fruit is truly something else and its user has almost completely mastered its power. "All Marines fire at the Pirates, don't let them breach our defenses!" Taking out my share of Marines we continued on our way through the base. "Hurry up Hawkins-ya we don't have much time before the reinforcements arrive!"

Trafalgar was a fair distance ahead of me but the man seemed to be growing annoyed about something. "Where are they housing this submarine?" The man refused to answer my question though he soon stopped in front of a large door. "Here it is. You're up Hawkins-ya and just remember if you screw up, I'll crush that girl's heart as she screams for mercy that will never come"

"That won't be necessary Trafalgar, stand back. Goma no So" Gripping my claws into the door I started pulling it towards me until it came free from its hinges. Tossing it down the hall it took out a few unfortunate Marines though as I turned back around my eyes locked on the item the Pirate Captain desired. "How exactly are you planning on transporting this out of this room and into the sea?" Trafalgar hadn't informed me on this step of the plan though I figured this devil fruit might be of assistance here.

"Just wait for its Hawkins-ya it won't take long for my crew to finish completing their tasks" After a couple of minutes of waiting a large door slowly started to open beside the submarine. "ROOM... Takt"


(Y/n)'s Pov

"Look guys it's a floating submarine" Staring at the object I noticed it was getting closer to our ship. When the others on Law's ship noticed this, they started to run around preparing the vessel to set sail. Though that was strange since I thought once Hawkins returned, we would go back to his ship. "Excuse me but why are we getting ready to set sail?" Thankfully even with all the commotion, someone heard my question and quickly answered it.

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz