Ch 3

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Later That Day...

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Stupid jerk Hawkins thinks he can tell me what do to. Well, I'll show him!" Heading for the bedroom door I opened it but blocking the way was that cat from earlier that called me loud. "Hey! (Y/n) you know the Captain ordered you to stay inside today, go back inside the cabin and read a book or something" I stared at him for a second longer before I made my move. "Look it's Captain Hawkins!" Using the moment of distraction, I ran past Faust and started heading towards the deck. "(Y/n) come back! It's dangerous out there we're in the middle of a fight!"

Hmm, what was he talking about? It was already too late for him to stop me since I had already made it onto the deck but the cat was right there was a full-on battle raging out there. How I missed the sound of cannon fire and screaming was beyond me though as a Marine spotted me his gun was pointed in my direction. "Ahhh! Don't shoot me I'm not with them!"

I thought the Marines were supposed to be the good guys. "Miss. (Y/n) take cover!" As much as I wanted to run back into the ship and hide from all this I couldn't move as my body started shaking. I was frozen with fear but as the Marine fired his gun but someone moved in front of me shielding my body from the attack. "Life Minus"

Hawkins had taken a bullet for me but the strange thing was a straw doll had exited his body and fell to the ground with a hole through its back. "(Y/n) go back inside the ship, this isn't a fight for someone like you" Without a second thought I ran back inside to the safety of Hawkins' bedroom at least here I'd be protected from the evil Marines.


Hawkins' Pov

I thought (Y/n) would have listened to me and remained inside but I was wrong and it cost me one of my lives. With keeping her doll within my body, I could only have nine expendable ones at a time. "Captain Hawkins what are your orders!?" There weren't many Marines left standing so I made quick got to work on them before I turned to head back inside. "Take anything of value from their ship and if any are still alive put them in the holding cells. That is all"

As I walked through the hallway towards my cabin, I noticed Faust was guarding the door once again. "Captain Hawkins! The girl has returned to her room unharmed but she appears to be crying" Dismissing the mink I entered the room as the sound of light sniffling reached my ears. Why would the girl be crying? I didn't even raise my voice at her. "(Y/n) why are you crying?"

"Y-You got hurt because o-of me! I'm sorry!" She's definitely a strange one but at least (Y/n) wasn't harmed in the attack though. "I'm fine (Y/n) take a look for yourself" At first the girl hesitated but after a few minutes her head popped out from underneath my bed covers.

(Y/n)'s Pov

"I can't see anything and there's still a hole in your shirt where the b-bullet hit you" How could Hawkins stay he wasn't hurt? I had seen the bullet hit him when he was shielding me from that Marines gunshot. "My devil fruit is the Wara Wara no Mi. It allows me to manipulate straw and redirect an attack to one of the dolls stored within my body"

Wait just a second, this son of a bitch had my doll at his command. "Are you going to use me as well to take a hit for you?" His face remained the same as he started speaking again. "No... Would you like a tissue (Y/n)?" Narrowing my eyes at my man I chucked a nearby pillow him which he caught quite easily. "Must you be so difficult (Y/n)?"

"Must you be so emotionless, Hawkins?" Sticking out my tongue at him I began to turn around but a hand stopped me. "Next time listen to my orders (Y/n) you are a member of this crew now and that makes you my responsibility" His guy was delusional if he thought I'd be joining a pirate's crew. "I am not a member of your crew and I never will be!"

"I'm afraid that's not your choice my dear but I'll give you time to accept it" When he didn't release my shoulder from his grip, I forcefully removed it myself. "What's your end goal, Hawkins? Every pirate desires something" It was true most pirates headed for the Grand Line in hopes of claiming the one piece but others simply wanted to cause as much destruction as they could. "The future is ever-changing so for now all I wish to do is reach the Grand Line"

"Hm... how high is your bounty Hawkins?" I wanted to know how dangerous this man was and based on his bounty I could estimate how much of a threat he was. "It's currently 140,000,000 Beri. Why do you ask (Y/n)?" What in the hell did Hawkins do to get such a high bounty? "N-No reason" He stared at me for a few more minutes but eventually pulled his cards from his pocket. "W-What are you doing Hawkins?"

"It's none of your concern"


A Few Hours Later...

"Hawkins tell me what you're doing... Hawkins~ Hawkins~ Hawkins~ Hawk-" Without a word from the blonde his straw wrapped around my mouth as he continued to stare at the cards in front of him. "Enough (Y/n)" I may have found out he was a dangerous pirate but it didn't stop me from trying to annoy him every chance I got.

'Knock' 'Knock'

"Enter" One of the other men had walked into the room while holding a map in his hands. "Captain Hawkins, I need your approval on the path we should take. There are two islands we are approaching and both seem to have Marine bases on them. We need to restock our supplies at one of them" After what happened a few hours ago my faith in the Marines had gone out the window.

"This island will hold more good fortune for our crew. If that is all you are dismissed and escort (Y/n) to the mess hall for dinner. I will join her shortly" Oh, so Hawkins was trying to get rid of me? "Come along Miss. (Y/n)" I didn't move from my spot as I stared at the blonde man who had gone back to looking at his cards. "I'm not leaving until Hawkins answers my questions about his stupid cards"

"Your dismissed I'll escort the girl myself" Once the crew member had left, I waited for Hawkins to say something to me but he never did. "Tell me about your cards Hawkins... pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee-" As his eyes met mine, I cut off my plead but something surprising happened next. "Come sit here and you can observe me. Ask whatever questions you'd like answered"

"You want me to sit in your lap?... Can't I just sit next to you?" When he didn't say anything in return, I took the chance a placed myself on his lap. I was too curious about these cards not to take the risk. "Alright (Y/n) shall I read your fortune?" I thought about what Hawkins asked for a minute but in the end, I declined. "No, thanks I'd rather not know anything about my future but can you predict the weather with these cards?"

"I can indeed" Tilting my head back against Hawkins' chest I watched as he started drawing cards but it didn't make a lot of sense to me. "Hawkins, how are you reading these cards, there all blank?" As his fingertips touched the blank cards they started to glow as images slowly appeared on there once blank surfaces. "The weather will be fortunate tomorrow" So much for the man being able to predict the weather. "Can I move now?" When his arm wrapped around my waist, I raised my ear brows slightly. "No, there's much we still need to discuss"


End Chapter 3

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Where stories live. Discover now