Ch 6

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A Few Days Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Good afternoon Miss. (Y/n), the Captain has requested that you join him on deck. He'll be escorting you to a nearby clothing boutique while the rest of the crew restocks on supplies" So, Hawkins was going to take me shopping? I'd rather not go anywhere with him but having my own clothing as opposed to Hawkins' would be nice. Without saying a word, I closed my book before I followed after the man. When I got on the deck my eyes tried to look anywhere but Hawkins though the task was a difficult one. "Good afternoon (Y/n) shall we take our leave into town?"

"Why do I have to go anywhere with you? Being with you will make me a target and I don't want to be shot at by the Marines again" If Hawkins cared the man didn't show it as he took my hand in his and forced me to follow behind him. "Death is not in your cards today (Y/n). If the Marines do choose to attack us then I'll be forced to cut them down"

As we continued walking towards the town, I noticed there were hardly any people on the streets. They must be hiding from Hawkins and his men. "Hawkins something about this island seems strange... Where are all the people?" I knew people feared Pirates but normally they just ignored their presence or made sure they got what they needed and left. "We won't be on this island for long but that feeling is strange indeed. Stay close to me (Y/n)"

For once I would listen to Hawkins' orders without a single complaint. "Alright but don't expect this to be a normal thing. As soon as we're off of this creepy island and not listening to you anymore" When I was pulled into a clothing boutique, I stood there for a second before Hawkins brought me over to a clothing rack. "Select a few items but don't take too long. I need to place a call, wait here"


Hawkins' Pov

"Yes, Captain Hawkins I'll prepare the ship for immediate departure. Do you have any other orders?" Looking into the boutique window I could see (Y/n) was holding a few articles of clothing but it was starting to become too much for her to carry. "That is all" Hanging up the transponder snail I returned to the girl's side as I took the items from her arms. "We'll be leaving this island once we're done here (Y/n). It's too much of a risk if we remain"

"I thought your cards said this island was safe?" As the girl continued to shop, I offered her an explanation. "The cards said this island would hold more good fortune for us, not that it was safe. Are you done selecting the clothes you want (Y/n)?" She stared back at me for a moment but the girl eventually did reply. "Do I have time to try them on? I want to make sure they fix"

"That's fine, do you need help changing?"

(Y/n)'s Pov

"No, Hawkins you're not supposed to see me without my clothes on! Please go sit down on that couch over there" He seemed to be thinking about something but soon enough he did take a seat on the couch as I took a few items into the dressing room. "Why must that man be so weird?... I need to hurry up though something is wrong on this island and we need to leave"

"You can't possibly leave yet Miss, you just got here~" As a hand was held over my mouth, I tried to alert Hawkins but it was a pointless effort. There was a sharp pain in my neck and I knew immediately it was a needle. "Come along Miss~ It's been such a long time since we've had a virgin sacrifice..."


Ten Minutes Later...

Hawkins' Pov

"What's taking that girl? She's been in there for a while now... I can't allow her to waste any more of my time... (Y/n) are yo- (Y/n)?" When I walked into the dressing room, I expected to find the girl changing into another article of clothing but to my surprise, she wasn't there.

"Her necklace?... She would never have left this behind" Picking up the small locket I remembered how (Y/n) had talked about that it was her treasure and how she hardly ever took it off. "Who could have taken her?" There was nothing I could do at the moment about (Y/n)'s disappear except begin my search for her.

I had started drawing cards but as the grim reaper card appeared, I knew (Y/n)'s life was in danger. "How troublesome, I'll need to reclaim her before her life is ende- Ah!" My body dropped to the floor as pain filled my left wrist. Pain normally didn't bother me but this feeling was different. "The mark is bleeding. Someone is harming my (Y/n)... I won't allow such poor treatment to be inflicted upon my crew member"


An Hour Later...

"There she is Captain. How dare they harm Miss. (Y/n)" There weren't many people surrounding the girl but one did have a knife pressed against her neck. If I acted too quickly (Y/n)'s life would be ended before I could reach her. "W-When Hawkins gets here, you're going to be begging for mercy!! Let me go!"


My cheek had started to burn as (Y/n)'s head was sent to the side from the force of the man's hand. Though the pain quickly passed for me (Y/n)'s cheek was already bruising. "Wait for my signal... Goma no So" Allowing the straw to form around my body I slowly made my way towards (Y/n), she was tied to a pole and had firewood laying at her feet so they must have planned to burn her alive.

"Who the hell are you!?" I didn't want to prolong this fight since (Y/n) was covered in a fair amount of blood and she was only softy moaning from the pain. "H-Hawkins y-you made it" Before the male beside her could move another inch I threw him across the room and started to untie (Y/n). "I'm sorry I left you alone (Y/n) it won't happen again. Let's return to the ship"

"W-Wait they have a room full of treasure. I s-say we take i-it all" Hm, that was a good idea on the girl's part. "Men! Attack and take their valuables after you're done! I will return to the ship with (Y/n)!" Shouting out my orders my crew members started to deal with the remaining men as I left the area with (Y/n) in my arms. "Thanks for saving me Hawkins~ Maybe you're not so bad after all"


(Y/n)'s Pov

A Few Hours Later...

"What's in this box, Hawkins?... It's locked and I don't see a key" We had already left the island though before we departed the remaining islanders tried to throw the Hawkins Pirates a party to thank him for getting rid of the cult that plagued their island. Hawkins had declined that offer since the man was a scary pirate after all. However, he did accept the Beri's they offered. This cool treasure chest was with the Beri's but I couldn't open it.

"Let me see it (Y/n)... Click. There you go" As I opened the box Hawkins unlocked, I was a little disappointed with the item inside. "It's just a weird-looking fruit Hawkins" When I turned to the man, he took the fruit from my hands and stared at it. "This is a devil fruit. Though I don't recognize the pattern. Did you want it (Y/n)?"

"What happens if it's a terrible and useless power?" I didn't know a lot about devil fruits but I knew they took away your ability to swim once you ate one. There wasn't a ton of devil fruit users outside of the Grand Line though maybe it would be a good thing to eat it. "It's up to you. Either you consume it or I'll have another member have it"

"No, it's mine!... Ah, this tastes terrible" That was not a taste I ever expected to have in my mouth but regardless I swallowed the fruit and discarded the uneaten portion. "What devil fruit is it (Y/n)?" It took me a minute to respond but when I did it gave him an answer. "It's the Seishin Seishin no Mi or the Spirit-Spirit fruit"


End Chapter 6


**A/N: Technically this devil fruit is a fan-made one but I'll be customizing it to add powers I want it to have**

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