Ch 29

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Sometime Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Are you sure we should be doing this (Y/n)?" I knew Hawkins was expecting me to remain on the ship but this would be over before he realized I was gone. "Of course, I'm going to get rid of you one way or another Coraline. Your brother should be here so it's just about finding him" I had already been told the other supernovas were all here but the area I had been walking through was surprisingly quiet. Kidd must not have been in the area thankfully, that guy was crazy in more ways than one. "Do you really want to get rid of me that much?"

"For the sake of my love life, it's necessary" She had spread countless rumors of me throughout the ship and it was driving me insane. The crew would never repeat what they knew but I was growing tired of seeing how they stared at me with flushed cheeks. "That makes sense. Do you have any idea of where he might be?" I didn't even know what this male looked like except that he was a ginger. "Nop- Oh fuck no it's the bastard"

"The who?" Coraline was trying to look passed me although I was frozen in place as my eyes traveled down those tattoos. "Trafalgar La- He looked at me!" He was giving me a smirk but I was already starting to back away as the group I had brought with me slowly offered me some cover. "Don't you think you're ove- Ah! There he is! See ya later (Y/n)! Big brother!" I still had a clear view of Law however now I could also see a ginger that Coraline was currently running towards. She was fast and it only took her a few seconds to reach the male.

I waited a few seconds but when she wrapped her arms around his neck, I watched him ravel his around her. That must have been the brother in question. I was going to mark this as a mission complete although the moment his eyes locked on mine, I saw that hate within them. That emotion was odd but I looked away before it could bother me any further. "(Y/n) we need to meet up with the captain back on the ship" That would be a good plan. My feet were heading in the direction of the ship but at the last second, I paused. "Just one second. There is something I need to do"

Law was a bastard and someone I feared however this needed to be done. "Wait! What are you doing!? Don't go near him (Y/n)!" I was trying to think of something cool to say but as I stood in front of him my mind blanked. "Hey" At first, he just stared at me and I almost thought he would grab me. He didn't although the idea was still bumping around in my head. "(Y/n)-ya it's been a while. Can I help you with something?" He had been a jerk when we first met and it had seemed like nothing had changed. "Law, who's that?"

"Did you find something to eat Cora-ya? This is (Y/n)-ya, an old friend" He must have lost his mind if he used that term to describe me. "Tsk. We aren't friends. Don't be stupid" The girl with him didn't look at all phased by my rudeness in fact she offered me a smile. "Oh, you're that (Y/n). It's nice to meet you" So, that bastard talked about me? That was slightly concerning. "Who's this, Law?" I was prepared to hear she was his crew member but when he replied I nearly choked. "My girlfriend"

"Hehehehe. I can't take that seriously. Someone pinch me I must be dreaming" The few men behind me didn't move although I could hear a couple of chuckles. "Why is that (Y/n)?" It was the 'so-called' girlfriend who spoke but she didn't look upset. "This is Law we're talking about, right?" Despite Law being behind her I could see that smirk slowly creep across her lips before she allowed it to fall so the man in question couldn't witness it. "I see your point but he's really not that bad"

"He popped my heart out of my chest and was planning on keeping it" She didn't show any emotion to my claim although she did shrug her shoulders. "If you think that's bad you should see what he has in the med room" I couldn't have known what she meant by that but by the way, Law narrowed his eyes she must have just spoken about one of his dirty little secrets. "Cora-ya it's time you went back to the sub" When she turned away, I told the chance to plan out my way exit. It was going to be easy as this bunch looked like they were about to leave anyway. "K"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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